
Who is staying where (hotels or homes) for the Dublin Boogie?

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If anyone needs a ride from the ATL airport, I will be departing there aroung 7:30 am on Friday, I've got room for one or two people. Should get into Dub around 10ish, I haven't the foggiest clue when I'll be returning to ATL. PM me if ya need a hand.

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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Chris..is there anyway to get some pics of the LZ? Maybe some of the airport so that I can know what to expect? THanks in advance!

Check out the Roamingdz.com Web site for pics from the boogie last year. There's TONS of camping space, a HUGE open landing area, and a nice bonfire pit!B| It's incredibly wide open.

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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OK...here is the latest for my place


Note that my girls will be home these nights and will be doing homework and all that homey stuff. Their bedrooms won't be available until Friday evening. You will need to be somewhat respectful of them and of me if you are here these nights. Do not expect to come in drunk and loud. Nuff said?

Fri and Sat

*one room reserved for gear dealer

Not sure when Katie, Minxx, and Weege arrive, or what JT-Mirage's plans are. If you have an air mattress I would suggest bringing it as there are only 3 bedrooms beside mine available, a queen size sofa bed, and several recliners.

*NOTE* I have to go to work Monday morning at 7:30 [:/]

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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well Frank is my packing bitch for the week-end he has a slot. you may have to take the floor but hey bring an air matress

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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