
Hunter S. Thompson Suicide?

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Paul Perry's Fear and Loathing: The Strange and Terrible Saga of Hunter S. Thompson which is a biography of Thompson. He lived a very interesting life, and did things most people couldn't even dream about.

I second that. I read this a number of years ago and it will definitely open your eyes to the life and times of a very interesting character.

Thompson was the first author that I ever really got into. Before reading his books I would read a book not an author. I read my first HST book and immediately read all the rest. I agree that his best work was behind him, but he will still be missed.
Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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i would had settled just to have a drink withe man and hear him rant. What a great picture you have

I got to hear him rant and have a drink with him also. I might have even bought him one. I remember getting in trouble for missing a photo of some lawyer getting a plaque because I was out in the lobby with Hunter S. Thompson instead of doing my photographer duties inside.

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I was out in the lobby with Hunter S. Thompson

I think you chose correctly.

I wonder if all the chemicals he put into his body contributed to his mental state at the end? I don't see how his brain could have remained healthy with all that crap pumping through it. Of course, maybe the chemical use was the result of the mental state. Sort of the chicken and egg question.

He'll live forever in his work. It's sad that his life ended this way, but he had a hell of a run. I like to think he's getting his ass kicked by a different sort of angels now.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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I wonder if all the chemicals he put into his body contributed to his mental state at the end? I don't see how his brain could have remained healthy with all that crap pumping through it. Of course, maybe the chemical use was the result of the mental state. Sort of the chicken and egg question.

Brilliant people sometimes need chemicals just to be able to deal with the mundaneness of everyday life. In Perrys book, he stated that when HST went to 'Nam as a military journalist, he smuggled a few hits of acid in case he ever got bored.

Some people can't handle putting chemicals in their body. Others thrive on it. Ever heard of Alexander Shulgin? He's a master chemist who used to take psychadelic drugs that he invented every other day. (He was the one that rediscovered Ecstacy and brought to the mainstream public, although with different intentions.) He still alive and kicking strong, having done more drugs than most people have ever heard of.
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And he would've made a great skydiver.

Hunter S. Thompson and Scotty Carbone - Now that would be a PARTY!!!

My 7 year old son is named Hunter...partly because I like the name and partly for HST. Hunter Evan Frederick Stevens or Hunter EFS. (I have no doubt that he will be a skydiver when he's older - he always wants to find the edge)

A round of ether and adrenechrome chasers!!!

RIP HST, it was a great ride and thanks for taking us along on it.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I'm going to do a "Gonzo" jump in honor of HST...

It won't be my next one though... I have some more memorial jumps to make to a departed friend who I lost to suicide last week...


find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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What an adrenaline rush it would had been to sit with the Doctor. A great story you must have. I hoped to meet him on my way back from Sturgis in 91. I swung down through Colorado on Hwy 70 jumping off toward Aspen to Woody Creek. I had visions off dropping acid, swilling Turkey and shooting heavy firepower while ranting all the while with HST. I had to settle for a few shots and beers and some stories from the locals. Had a good time none the less where the Doc held court. I got back on the bike pointing back towards Hwy 70 and home.
When i reread, after many years, HST's essay "Security" I realize that that peice of work describes me as well as the man who wrote it. It seems, too, that most skydivers can relate to it's meaning and be able to answer his question. It was 50 years ago that he wrote it. I wonder if he re-read it after all these years. If so, what did he think when rerunning his life. Maybe he suddenly realized that he has gone way beyond the edge where one can never turn back. Whatever it was that drove him to his demise he left a mark on those who enjoyed his work. He is somehow responsiable for some of us who got hooked at a young age. I dropped acid in Vegas in the early 80's because the Doc did. It was worth it. His essay somehow was responsiable for waking me up early. The Doc went his way for whatever reason. As I write this I can imagine the Doc and his attorney, Oscar Zeta Acosta, somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert.... Rest in peace hope ya got your Great Red Shark.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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