
eloy memories, numbers and pics....

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justi and i had an amazing time in eloy this year:) i met some really awesome new people, got to hang out with and jump with new and old friends, gained a lot of new skills in the sky, made 41 jumps in 6 days, watched justis cutaway from about 100 feet away, had the coolest team trailer roommates, rode in the DC3 at midnight on new years eve, got rodriguez intiated, jumped out of a heli with justi and iwan, did my beer formation tracking dive along with 45 others, turned my first points on my head, did an amazing hybrid with the best brits in the world, did a bunch of tube jumps with ash, flew the wingsuit with monkey lip and even did a couple belly jumps! despite almost dying on the way back to school tonight (seriously), i would say this was the best week EVER!
whats up everyone?
my pics are soon to come... i left my cable at home to get my pics online.
i miss eloy and everyone that was there. thanks to all for being there and sharing it with me!
please share your eloy stories and numbers with me!

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please share your eloy stories and numbers with me!

This Eloy boogie was 100% better than last year.

The Airspeeed organised loads rocked and were a lot of fun.

Personally, 3 jumps stand out.

1st: Being invited by Nina Kuebler to do a 4 way with one newbie and getting on the ground afterwards to be told that that was the best 4-way she had done ever. Seeing her huge smile and enthusiasm was awesome.

2nd: Organizing a a 21 way for the first time (before that the biggest I organized was an 8 way) and it completed.

3rd: My 1000th jump (today) and a huge thanks to everyone on it - it was a blast!

Also, meeting friends - old and and making new ones and jumping with them.


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Clay, don't let her make you feel bad. I'm heading to Seb in about four days:ph34r: I do what ever I can to stay away from her.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Oh sure. Sebastian wasn't good enough for you when I was there.

Oh, PLEASE!!!!!! What are your excuses for not jumping with me BABE? I was there the first and last day you were there and days in between! Your ass owes me like in prison!:P

Hope life has been treating you well.


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I was heading to bed and couldn't resist stopping by!!

This was a most memorable Boogie for many reasons...let me list a few.

First Boogie
First Jump after getting my "A"
First jump with a suit made for me with booties.
First time to get video of me in the air...thanks to RobertRei~~
First 3-way (and it worked!!!) Thanks to Spanky and Chris.
First exit from a DC3...got to do that twice~
First 6- way... didn't work all that well but how great is it to be included???
First Pink Mafia Jump and joined the sisterhood (Thanks Amazon!!)
First Tube Exit....now that really rocks~
First Balloon Jump which was worth the $$ and amazing~~~
First to demo new container and canopy

now for only having 36 jumps...I am still smiling and wondering how I can get to the SKYSISTERS UNITED FEMALE SKYDIVING CONVENTION.

Life is good isn't it???

My new quote for this year is:::

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man oh man... where do i begin?

ok, well our trailer kicked ass for damn sure (me, cielodiosa, alanab, wildcard451, akurtom, and evelyn)

i met the man behind the yellow face :P

night birdman jump with glowsticks in my wings on new years (with some drunken girls heckling me the entire way to altitude:)) haha, awesome new years btw

so much free beer that i didn't know what to do with it

being thrown in the pool by tallguy (and yes i was right that you messed up on #9 of cunning linguist!)

comedy hour with deuce ("i'm fucking winning!!! yayyyyy!!!!":D:D:D)


beautiful sunsets and kickass fly-bys B|

the syphilis sisters! (oops, i mean sitfly sisters, my bad, we must've heard you wrong);)

unfortunately, i heard the duck joke

multiple amazon hugs, haha, score!

got leid by mouth (...uhhh, with a hawaiian lei of course:)) ps - i love this woman to death

tons of flocking dives with krisflyz and whatever and monkeylip and tonto and taz and 174fps and tons of others

high speed pass out of the skyvan at 200 knots and going over the tail, helllls yeah

weather hold entertainment kits provided by bytch, haha "ooh look something shiney!"

god damn im sure theres more but its 2:30am and i just got in. time for bed. we'll talk more later. let's see some pics people!!!!

what's up bed time?:P

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As a three year (dare I say) veteran of this boogie, Eloy was a good time. I renewed friendships with many and started some new ones as well. Plus I made some very fun memorialable jumps.

I made 36 skydives in total:

- 16 freefly jumps (including a couple of tube dives)
- 9 wingsuit jumps.
- 3 hybrid dives.
- 2 tracking dives.
- 3 jumps using a demo Phoenix-Fly tracking suit.
- 2 helicopter jumps practicing sub-terminal gainers.
- 1 high altitude hop n' pop where I bumped end cells with 4 different canopies.

and in those 36 skydives, often I was able to rip a bad-ass swoop. But I wasn't as consistent as I would have liked to have been, I came out high a few times. >:(

Plus ...

During the boogie I made 3 BASE jumps:

- My 1st solo cliff jump in Moab on my way to Eloy.
- My lowest freefall to date, a 270 foot antenna in AZ.
- Another cliff jump with a friend in Moab on my way home.

Good times this year, and yes the weather was much better this time around. Oh and I didn't go to bed earlier than 2 am every night I was there. Dang the free beer isn't really free. It does come with a price that you often need to pay the next day. :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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What a great time.

So many firsts thank god beer was free.
Met some of the coolest people.
1st jumps from a Beech, DC-3, Sky Van, Helicopter, Hot air balloon, 3 way flower with Taz and the man him self HH, 1st 6 way, and there is probably more I can’t remember..
Only really partied one night (thanks Wingnut for letting my drunk ass crash in your tent) had a blast.

Did 17 jumps.

Had an awesome time see you all next year.


Ps unfortunately, I heard the duck joke too and Unfortunately saw BGill “why I don’t ware shorts shirt”
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I remember sitting in the yard with my dogs, looking up at the canopies opening and flying back to the landing areas....and going...

"LOOK OUT!!!!!"
Then having to go inside to keep from having a heart attack...

Good job to all the jumpers keeping it to just one injury.

Scars remind us that the past is real

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