
When your daughter wants to skydive....

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Okay, I'm whining...it's a rainy day and I'm bored.

My daughter is on an athletic scholarship (room/board, books, tuition, etc) and wants to skydive. I've put her up on three tandems and she's just sooo natural. For obvious reasons, I don't believe that it would be wise for me to put her through solo training. It just kills me though![:/]

We talk about jumping together and sharing the sky one day, but its just so hard waiting. I feel somewhat selfish because I get to jump almost every weekend.... Yet, she understands and is not pushing the issue too hard, though I know she is very anxious to get started on her own, as she talks about it often.

Her birthday is coming up, and I'm putting her up on her 4th tandem. I'm guessing this is my only option for now....I just want to make it extra special.


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Not that I am God's gift to parenting (my kids are 7 and 10) but I am curious why you don't want her to share the skys with you. She obviously athetic and has good grades (i.e. the scholarship) why not reward her for her hard work.

I'm sure you can keep her priorities straight and allow skydiving to have a place on her life (as well as yours).

Just my .02, Blue Skys


Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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It is always hard to allow your kids to be indipendint.
You cant stop her only influance her.
If she wants to do this and you do it but discourage her you are telling her you have know confidence in her.

Think about that.

Yes I know I cant spell .

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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I DO want to jump with her...it's actually a dream we both share. She is on an athletic scholarship and is only a freshman in college. I don't think it would be a wise gamble to put her through solo training. She has more to lose than to gain at this point.

I'm very tempted though.....

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Thanks for your post, but it's not an independence issue here, it really isn't - and it is certainly not a lack of confidence in her abilities. Unfortunately, accidents happen in this sport and we all know that.
We've talked at length about this - and her scholarship is her priority.

The ultimate decision to jump IS indeed hers, as she is an adult. So, again to pacify her for now, is via tandems.

It's still not out of the question - there is just so much to consider.

The thing that's hurting us both is patience.[:/]

I wish she had an insta-education (free)!!!

Thanks again.

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It's not easy watching a loved one take up a risky pastime.

Everyone has something to lose. Most of us have huge amounts to lose. And skydiving is one of those things we have to lose. We do this sport because it makes us feel more alive, not because we're scared to live.

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I can see your point there, hate to lose the scholarship in the persuit of fun. What about AFF right as the summer break starts? If she gets a twisted ankle or some other minor ding she would have time to heal.

I don't know how to make this next statement so I will just have to be blunt. IMHO you need to let her live her life like there may not be a tomorrow. I know it sounds cynical, but how would you or her feel if something happened to one of you and you two never got to do that two-way I know you are longing for.

Here is a cliché for you:

Do not eat junk food only healty, work hard at your job and climb the corparate ladder, spend hours in the gym to stay physically fit. While standing on the corner at the edge of the crosswalk waiting for a green light you get hit by an over wieght drunk driving a stolen car eating a jelley donut. B|

Blue Skys,


Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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It's not easy watching a loved one take up a risky pastime.

Everyone has something to lose. Most of us have huge amounts to lose. And skydiving is one of those things we have to lose. We do this sport because it makes us feel more alive, not because we're scared to live.

- well said.

My daughter loves what this sport has given to me in the short time I've been jumping. We plan to share it one day.

I have given consideration to slowly putting her through the student program, as she would be on a radio for her first 20 or so jumps (yes, they fail - I know this personnally). But, a jump a month during school months isn't necessarily a great idea either.

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I can see your point there, hate to lose the scholarship in the persuit of fun. What about AFF right as the summer break starts? If she gets a twisted ankle or some other minor ding she would have time to heal.

You read my mind.

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My one Daughter will be 18 in May. She will be jumping within 10 days of her Birthday.
She has been waiting a long time and we can't wait.
My next daughter will be jumping soon as well. She is the one that has deep desires for it.
IF they get their B Lic, I promised them custom gear.
My 1st daughter may be a "One and done" deal so, I'm not pushing the issue past her 1st jump.
My son is a "little Monkey" and seems excited about planes and any jump vids I have. he is 3 and jumps off of everything saying<"Skydive! DUDE!"
(No influence there eh?)
I fear for my children but, I love them too much not to let them have a taste.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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LOL!! Wasn't you that had a pic of your little boy posing like a freeflier??

It's a beautiful sport and to share it with someone special in your life must be incredible. I hope your first isn't a "one and done," but at least she's gonna try it!!:)
Now, as far as the custom gear for the "B" status....
do you need one more daughter?????:D

Mine is getting hand-me-downs when she first starts....I've already started stocking up with the little things!!

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I don't activly jump anymore (for now!!) and between my two kids the 14yr old daughter would like to go and try an tandem, the 15yr old boy doesn't seem to be interested.
The only rason I havn't put her up for a tandem is my ex-wife says no!!
And to think me met skydiving in the first place.
Soon as she is old enough to not need mum's OK or if mum changes her mind I'll cough up the dough.
I would love for her and my son to give it a try just because I would like them to have the chance to have all the fun and meet all the great people I have had the pleasure with.
Watch my video Fat Women

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Thanks Conway:S So, I guess you wanna jump with both our flailing asses one day, huh???:D Poor Conway...

I'll start drilling "eye contact" to her NOW!!

She's going to do a tandem this weekend. It's been over 90 days since her last one. I'm hoping we can make it memorable. You'll be in SDSM!! Crap! She's gonna be playing in Fort Worth on her actual BDay 02/18.

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I already have the 1st set of gear (once it's returned to me...I loaned it)
triathalon 220 in crisp condition ad CYPRES in.
RAVEN III res. Alti and audible too.
and YEP that's my little sky monkey.
When I say FREEFLY he does that.:ph34r:
He makes the "hang loose" hand sign before he jumps off of things too.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I broke my leg because someone didn't look where they were going in a car park. Anything we do can injure us, I would not use this as a reason to stop her from jumping. Plus her being fit would mean her body can take more hard knocks than the average joe. Tandems are great but I would suggest investing in getting her a license. Even if she has a few months off after it, at least the money was well spent and she can pick it up again when she is finished.

Just remember to drill into her the basics, do not land down wind (if avoidable), if in doubt PLF, and flare at the right height.

She is lucks he has a mum like you, wish i got hand me down gear.

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;)Thanks, and I understand your point, and have already considered this...but, it would be a little hard to tell your coach that you hurt your leg, arm, or whatever by skydiving....bye, bye scholarship!! A whuffo coach would oust her for having her priorities screwed up.

And..........before anyone mentions it....if she lies about an injury...it'd catch up with her...she sucks at lying.:P

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I didn't read the whole thread carefully so if I missed something, sue me... :P

If your daughter really wants to skydive like you do, make a deal with her... If she sticks it through her college years and earns that degree and finds a new job, you'll pony up for her AFF course... she'll be able to jump more often after getting a good job... ;)

Okay maybe that's not what you wanted to hear... :| but it's an idea!
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Bobsled....I gotta hand it to ya...that's pretty good. They'd leave it alone because she's always tripping on something (literally).:ph34r:
Billy...you didn't misinterpret anything. I wasn't looking for any answers in particular - there really aren't any right ones in this particular scenario. Your thoughts support my initial feelings...it's me that's having patience issues, unfortunately.

As for rewarding her for a job well-done, I like the idea.

Again, it's just gonna be hard for me to hold off for that long.

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