
things you love....

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Ok, the things you hate thread is going so I can't be all negative.

Things I love...

Lazy afternoons in someone specials arms

Full bottles of good wine

Good skydives...small or large as long as they are fun


Amazing friends of which I have so many

Even more special freinds that have come to mean so much to me



The beach

Warm weather

HUGS and more HUGS

My girls...even when they totally piss me off I love them

A sweet PM from someone just because they haven't heard from me in awhile (thanks to both of you girlies and you guy)

Silky nighties

Down comforters

And you? What do you love????????

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Making Mouth Blush

Certain looks from certain people

love itself



driving Slappie crazy, the closet Fluffer(R)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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things Sarah loves:

guys w/ facial hair
the outdoors
physical touch
muscular arms (only on men though:D)
being in the woods

man, I could go on and on and on and on......:)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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FROGS!!!:) They are so cute.....still no prince yet:S

Smiles from my kids.

Baby animals

a NICE massage (Any donors???)

The smell of fresh cut grass after it rains

Fuzzy Slippers

TOE SOCKS:ph34r:

Humming Birds

Skydivers that have fun teachin' us noobs

OH!!! The wind tunnel. I need a do-over

Soft landings

An ice cold beer on a hot day at the lake.

Laughing in freefall!!!

My canopy.

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Summer solstice :)Beach
Santa Monica sunsets
Jumpin out of planes
Hanging out with friends
Chocolate :)Animals
My 125lb Akita
My 2 lb Blue and Gold Macaw who can recite certain phrases from Scarface
My family
sleeping in
Najas in Redondo Beach (777 types of beer from around the world)
Goose down comforter

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ah, but if you add all my list together, that would be one incredible:$ weekend!!!!!!!! B|

OK, I am in just give me a time and place :P

hahaha, can I also add free jump tickets and meals? oh, and plane tickets to exotic destinations? :P

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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ah, but if you add all my list together, that would be one incredible:$ weekend!!!!!!!! B|

OK, I am in just give me a time and place :P

hahaha, can I also add free jump tickets and meals? oh, and plane tickets to exotic destinations? :P

Actually I think my girlfriend would get kinda mad if I helped you with your perfect weekend. However it sounds so good I bet it would make her nice and happy thanks for the idea ;)

Edited to add that it will have to be minus the facial hair because she tells me it "tickles" on the face and hurts on certain other places :)

Greenie in training.

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Sunny days.

Rainy days.

Doing little things to make my friends smile.

Sand between my toes.

The sound of the ocean.


Someone nuzzling my neck.

A long hot bath.

My friends and family.

Smiles...genuine smiles.

Hugs....real hugs.

"It's not just a daydream if you choose to make it your life..."

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I'm going to change this to things, activities, etc. I'm not sure they would all qualify as "things."



Having the support of family and friends

Food (to include beverage)

Spending time with my boyfriend


Good music

A good debate

A hot bath

Facials, massages, and silky soft creams

Marine Life (especially coral reef aquarium keeping.)

Dogs, frogs, and most animals in general.




(I love lots of things, too many to name:)

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Being so in love with a new album I can listen to it over and over again
Cozy coffee shops
Playing hooky to skydive
Not needing to play hooky to skydive
Butterflies in my stomach
Challenging myself
Cats on my lap
My fireplace and days when it's cold enough to use it
Seeing Mt. Rainier on a winter day
Seeing Mt. Rainier on a summer day
Shiner Bock
Patron Silver
Leaving work
Mornings without an alarm clock
Morning sex
Surprise sex
Unexpected gifts (both giving and receiving)
Running into an old friend unexpectedly
Feeling part of a family
Being done with a great workout
Thank-you notes
Finding something other than a bill or junk mail in my mailbox
That moment you look at someone you've known for a while and suddently see them differently (in a positive, "whoa" sort of way)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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