
Skydiving Video Game?

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There is one on PS2 where 4 way team goes and and yo uare given a combination of buttons to press to make them do their next move. Game really sucks. You dont event look at them skydving cause yo uhave to concentrate on which buttons to press. The skydivers always have hard openings and are incredible at flying burbles. OTher than that I dont know of any other games
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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The skydiving on pilot wings is 'pretty' realistic. It is basic 4-way and it highlights the slot you need to go to. It is 3-d i guess you could say. Meaning you have to control your fall rate to get to the formation (they drop below you after you complete each point). I didn't really understand what was going on in my pre-jump days, but now it makes much more sense to me. The landings are kinda hard to get a feel for and you have a hard time knowing where the target is and if you are heading for it. Entertained me for a while at least.

B Moore

'Turbulence is a bitch'

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In all honesty it is GTA San Andreas on the PS2 (XBox and PC release date later this year).

Kinda sucks to know that the best skydiving game is actually all about stealing cars and the skydiving feature is only an aside.... kinda best as BASE anyway.

There's a kinda cool flash game on the net where you have to spot Daffy... great for that one skill... but overall it only vaguely fits into the category.

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