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Ok, so I smoke a cigarette a day, maybe two. At a party I will smoke maybe 5. (when I'm drinking).

One of my friends told me a long time ago what his cricket coach told him.

If you smoke one cigarette the night after the practice (aerobic, running around the field), then you might as well not smoke and not come to practice. It cancels out.

Is this even vaguely true? What is the true affect on you areobic capacity?

Thanks dude

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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It affects different people differently. Personally, it took my wind away. That's why I quit.

Nicotine is a horrible beast of a drug, prehaps the worst one out there in terms of addiction rates. Although, it is so mild otherwise, you will only notice that fact when trying to quit after your hooked.

Nicotine is something I would like to have avoided ever getting aquainted with. It is completely useless as far as I am concerned.

If you smoke that little, you'd do well to just leave it alone ;)

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Nicotine is a horrible beast of a drug, prehaps the worst one out there in terms of addiction rates. Although, it is so mild otherwise, you will only notice that fact when trying to quit after your hooked.

I did a lot of research on Nicotine and it's "addictive" nature - if it were truly as addicitve as you think, Bertus wouldn't be able to smoke just one or two.... the addictive nature of smoking is psychological, with some VERY minor physical attributes. Anything taken with regularity (even oatmeal) every day will provide some withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it, but most smokers tie their habit in to other actions (phone/eating/coffee/sex etc) which then don't seem complete without it.

However there is nothing good in the 40,000 toxic and poisonous chemicals produced in the combustion of a cigarette, so common sense says "don't breathe it in"
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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Smoking is a choice that should be made by the individual.
What p&*%$es me off is those who smoke and have no consideration for those around them and the 2nd hand smoke they are forcing them to breather.
Smokers should be free to choose to kill themselves, but not me in the process

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