
My damn car!!!

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My car was making some strange sound from one of the pulleys for like a week. I set up an appointment for tuesday to bring it in. I do a lot of driving and the car was working just fine except for the noise. I live about 40 miles from my job. On my way to work tonight...the tensioner pully seemed to have snapped off. Luckily i was almost at work and right in front of a Strauss Discount auto store. They said they'll fix it in the morning since it's Sunday evening. They;ll probably charge me a buttload of money for this.
Now I'm stuck 40 miles from home until tomorrow afternoon!! Plus I get to miss the SuperBowl cause I'm at work!!
I'm just having a really crappy day and needed to vent a little. Sorry if I bored anyone.

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That sucks.

Depending on how it broke, most belt tensioners are a very very very easy fix, get a quote and look at the part, it might be chaper for you to go to wal-mart to buy a small/cheap set of tools and do it yourself (a single wrench or socket will probably suffice).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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