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Hello everyone, I wanted to ask you more experince guys a question, my and my friend are soon to get our A license, we are so exited, and now we want to get our own rigs, I'am 5'11 and 210ps and my friend who soon probably will sign out for this forum too! is a little shorter;) about 5'7 and i guess he won't weight more than 170ps he also wanted to know if he can send to make his canopy, white and red on the sides as our Peruvian Flag!!!

Thanks a lot!!!!!!


how much is it worth a minute of unexplainable freedom =)

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Great! I personally just want to get one that works!!!!
don;t really care mucha about the logo as much as that's it'll open.:)We have been doing some research. We found out some of the people in Peru still jump with WW2 chutes!
Not for me do.



how much is it worth a minute of unexplainable freedom =)

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