
My high school reunion happens this May

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Well I'm about to date myself here. But I just found out that my high school from English suburban Montreal is having our 25 year anniversary this coming May. Well it'll actually be my 24th year, but their combining the classes of '80, '81 and '82 into one reunion and I think this is a great idea as being a graduate of '81, I was friends with people from both the older and younger grades. It should be fun. The school has a bulletins board up right now and there is a decent number of people who will be there. It should be interesting to find out who's doing what, who married who, who lives where, who's dead and who's in jail. This is a once in a life time opportunity and here's the real catch. Initially I was worried that this reunion might clash with the Memorial Day boogie in Twin Falls ID. But the reunion is the weekend before the bridge boogie. So I'm free to do both.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I went to my 20 yr reunion this past summer, and it was so much fun to see everybody! I was shocked at the people who had died. It was REALLY fun seeing people's children....and how they dressed them :D.

Hope you have fun!

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Most of those people were F@#$ing lame.

I don't feel this way. Sure some of the people were lame, but many of the people posting on this reunion bullentins board are people I hold good memories about and are people I look forward to seeing. Besides, while I may not be so young in the real world, thanks to things like skydiving and BASE jumping, I'm still very very young in spirit. I need to play my cards right with my jumping escapades (talking too much about it will come off the wrong way, but milk it just enough and you never known what it will bring me). Anyway, I'm looking forward to this weekend in mid to late May.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Of course I only heard about the reunion last night so my travel plans are unknown at this time. But it'll be the 3rd weekend of May. I'll drop you a PM before then though.

Oh and one of our classmates "Dave Jackson" is an NHL referee (no shit on the level here). So he better not have an excuse of not showing up to the reunion.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Do you have a date yet?

You're going to be my date. I'll be in Perris Valley for a weekend at the end of the month for some canopy coaching and while I'm there I plan on dazzling you with my charm, you'll fall for me, come back to CO with me and then attend this reunion with me in May thus making all of my former classmates jealous of not only my hobbies but also of the girl on my arm. Sounds simple enough right? :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Where's Brandy moving? I believe she and Collin will be up in Twin Falls ID this weekend getting some BASE training from Tom. And then I believe next weekend those two will also be in Moab with a bynch of us CO peeps as we tear up the cliffs.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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