ladyskydiver 0 #1 January 28, 2005 Hey Dere! C'meer once - you gots to read dis a couple-two-tree words on how ta talk like yer from Scansin, hey. It's a humdinger! Sit down witch'er brat an' brewski in yer blaze-orange and, cripes sake, In the spirit of Bart and Vince, take a gander, yahhey? 1. AIN-A-HEY: placed at the end of a profound statement; as in "isn't it?" 2. BART: a Green Bay institution who doesn't need a last name;(see"Vince"). 3. BELIEVE-YOU-ME: attached to the beginning or end of a statement,makes it more credible; as in," Really!" 4. BLAZE-ORANGE: what deer hunters and cold-weather Packers fans wear at Lambeau Field. Also a popular color for jail uniforms. 5. BORN IN A BARN?: a sarcastic question which usually means you left the door open or could not correctly differentiate between an alewive and a 'schmelt' 6. BORROW: used in place of lend,as in, "Could youse borrow me a couple two-tree bucks, yahhey?" 7. BRAT: a sausage; a Wisconsin tail gate favorite; doesn't have anything to do with a spoiled kid. 8. BUBBLER: to the rest of the world outside Wisconsin's borders, it is known as a drinking fountain. 9. BUDGE: to merge without permission; cut in; as in "Don't you budge in line for a brat, I was here first!" 10. BY to; near; as in "Let's go by One Eyed Jack's" or,"She'll come by da house tonight." 11. CHEDDERHEAD: someone from Wisconsin; see,"Cheesehead." 12. CHEESEHEAD: someone from Wisconsin; see, "Cheddarhead." 13. CHEESE CURD: small pieces of fresh cheese that squeak when you bite into them. 14. COMEER ONCE: a request for the presence of another Cheddarhead. 15. COUPLE-TWO-TREE more than one; as in "Delmer and I drank a couple-two-tree beers." 16. CRIPES: a Wisconsin expletive. 17. CRIPES-SAKE: a mild Wisconsin expletive. 18. CRIPES-SAKES-ALMIGHTY: a wild Wisconsin expletive. 19. DA: substitute for words beginning with "TH;" as in, "Da guy over dere in da Bears shirt dere." 20. DAVENPORT: What your mom called 'the sofa'; a couch. 21. FAIR-TA-MIDDLIN: Not bad or great,,just"O.K." 22. FISH FRY: a Friday night dining ritual in Wisconsin. 23. FLEET FARM: A Cheddarhead's answer to Bloomingdales. 24. FROZEN TUNDRA: Lambeau Field. 25. G! EEEZ!: Another Wisconsin expletive. 26. GOAHEAD: Proceed; as in, "go ahead and back up your car dere." 27. GOTS: used in place of "have;" as in,"I gots my tickets to watch da Packers play on da FrozenTundra." 28. GOL-DURN: Another Wisconsin expletive. 29. HEY: placed at the beginning or end of phrases for emphasis, as in, "Hey, how 'bout dem Packers?" or "Hows about dem Packers,Hey!" 30. HOWS-BY-YOU?: a greeting; the same as,"How's everything?" 31. HUMDINGER: a beauty;as in "dat croppy youse caught up-nort is a real humdinger." 32. JOHN DEERE: a Cheddarhead's other vehicle. 33. LEAKER: (n) One who lacks the mental or physical stamina to continue partying. 34. M'WAKEE: Wisconsin's largest city; located just down the lake from T'rivers and Man'twoc. 35. N-SO?: a word inserted at the end of a statement; (sometimes pronounced as AIN-SO), used as a substitute for "isn't that right?" or "Correct?" 36. OH,YAH: Depending on emphasis, it's either used as acknowledgment (as "That's correct")or skepticism (That's bull!). 37. PERT-NEER: (sometimes pronounced "PRET-NEAR": in close Proximity; just about. 38. POLKA: the national dance of Wisconsin. 39. RUBBERS: protection for your shoes; also known as"G'loshes." 40. SCANSIN: the state where Cheeseheads are from. 41. SCHMEAR a card game;also a term used when someone gets beat in a game of Sheepshead. 42. SHEEPSHEAD: another card game. 43. SIDE-BY-EACH: used instead of "next to each other." 44. SKEETER: Wisconsin's state bird. 45. START WIT ME LAST: to forfeit your turn. 46. STOP-AND-GO LIGHTS: what everyone else refers to as traffic Signals. 47. UFF-DAH: (from the untranslatable Norwegian phrase) meaning varies with severity of incident-from "Oops" to "Criminey" to words following "Oh-!" often said when you make a really big "boo-boo" and are in'deep doggy-doo'. 48. UN-THAW: to defrost or thaw. 49. WHERE-ABOUTS: locality; proximity; as in, "where-abouts are youse-guys from?" 50. UP NORT: where Wisconsinites go on vacation. 51. UP-SIDE-RIGHT: rightside up. 52. VINCE: the other Green Bay icon who doesn't need a last name for instant recognition; (see "Bart").Recently"Brett" and"Reggie" were also added to this category, "Mark" is is currently there, but will be leaving for six to ten years ....refer also to wearing 'blaze orange' in Mark's case. 53. WIH-SKON'-TSUN: the way you can tell the speaker is not a real Wisconsinite. 54. YAH-HEY: affirmative, but can be added reinforce a request. 55. YAH-SURE-YOU-BETCHA: yes, you are correct. 56. YOU-BETCHA: affirmative, as in "Yah-hey." 57. YOUSE: (var."Yoose") pronoun, second person plural. 58. YOOPER: someone from even further up-nort' than you.Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkiD_PL8 0 #2 January 28, 2005 That is extra funny to me because I used to date a girl from 'sconsin as she said. Took me awhile to catch on to some of the words in her language Greenie in training. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #3 January 28, 2005 Those were great, and I remember a lot of them, growing up just outside of La Crosse as a kid... And I'd *KILL* for some good brats and cheese curds...especially the curds!!! MMMMmmm.... little bites of squeaky goodness...Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dougiefresh 0 #4 January 28, 2005 This is more of an up-nort dictionary. We intellectual elites in Madison NEVER talk like that, believe you me! I can't believe no one else knows about #9, "Budge". I learned that in elementary school, I just assumed it was a real word used everywhere.Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladyskydiver 0 #5 January 28, 2005 On my last trip to Florida, I brought yellow and white cheese curds to a friend of mine as she hadn't had them in ages. Her comment "Oh...yeah...there's the squeak." Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beowulf 1 #6 January 28, 2005 23. FLEET FARM: A Cheddarhead's answer to Bloomingdales. I don't think this one is right. It's Farm N Fleet not Fleet Farm. Got get these thing right. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eeneR 3 #7 January 28, 2005 Quote13. CHEESE CURD: small pieces of fresh cheese that squeak when you bite into them. This is known by the neighbors to the south as "Squeaky Cheese"...yum! She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway." eeneR TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #8 January 28, 2005 QuoteQuote13. CHEESE CURD: small pieces of fresh cheese that squeak when you bite into them. This is known by the neighbors to the south as "Squeaky Cheese"...yum! Yah...but it's *NOT* string cheese!!Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulshine 0 #9 January 28, 2005 QuoteI can't believe no one else knows about #9, "Budge". I learned that in elementary school, I just assumed it was a real word used everywhere. That's just like the southern word "yonder". It can mean any distance from a few feet away to several miles. It is a word that every kid learned. You always knew what someone meant when they said "I'm just goin't over yonder for spell." Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity! ~DEVIOUS BEEF~~FGF #69~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marz 0 #10 January 28, 2005 I spent some time in Minnesota (sp?) and I would venture to say that people from there share language traits with their cheesehead neighbours LOL. Well, after all, alot of winsconsinites and minnesotans are from the scandinavian gene puddle. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dougiefresh 0 #11 January 28, 2005 QuoteIt's Farm N Fleet not Fleet Farm. I've seen both.Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beowulf 1 #12 January 28, 2005 QuoteQuoteIt's Farm N Fleet not Fleet Farm. I've seen both. hmm I am from Illinois. Never seen any Fleet Farm's there, but plenty of Farm N Fleets. Learn some thing new every day. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladyskydiver 0 #13 January 28, 2005 I've seen both but the one that's closest to where I live is called Fleet Farm.Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diablopilot 2 #14 January 28, 2005 I'm sorry I didn't understand a word she said. Could someone please translate?---------------------------------------------- You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlueEyedMonster 0 #15 January 28, 2005 Born and raised in the GREAT LAND O' CHEESE. WOoHOOO! I love that place. They forgot Hot-dish. Thats one of the things not on the list that people always look at me funny when I say. I've heard and know EVERY single thing on that list Its an awesome culture that you should all learn about in school. And Brett Rules! (well except when he chokes and throws a bunch of interceptions) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlueEyedMonster 0 #16 January 28, 2005 QuoteThis is more of an up-nort dictionary. We intellectual elites in Madison... LOL Hate to break it to ya, but the rest of the state does not refer to the people of madison as "intellectual elites." I think Red uses a good term on That 70's Show .... "Pinko Commies." No, Madison truely is an odity in the Great Land O Chese. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevJim 0 #17 January 28, 2005 QuoteQuoteQuoteIt's Farm N Fleet not Fleet Farm. I've seen both. hmm I am from Illinois. Never seen any Fleet Farm's there, but plenty of Farm N Fleets. Learn some thing new every day. That's a'cause der's a diffa-rince. The 2 chains are owned by brothers. They used to be a single chain owned by their father. The sons split the stores, and the territory that went with them. The full names and Blaine's Farm & Fleet, and Mill's Fleet Farm. They are both excellent businessmen, and do allow product lines to cross stores. For example, I can get Farm & Fleet (labeled as F&F) Paints here at my local Fleet Farm. I think I just made myself sick, for actually knowing that information... Besides, everybody knows that Fleet Farm's are better. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dougiefresh 0 #18 January 28, 2005 QuoteMadison truely is an odity Yup, 90 square miles surrounded by reality. BTW, you misspelled "oddity". See, we are elitist! Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fast 0 #19 January 28, 2005 A lot of the ya-der language goes out there door when you live in the Milwaukee suburbs.~D Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me. Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcandalysse 0 #20 January 28, 2005 Did you send this to Janine? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrunkMonkey 0 #21 January 28, 2005 Being a native Chicagoan, I must unfortunately add: "FIB": a name used by Cheddarheads with an inferiority complex to Illinoisans. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlueEyedMonster 0 #22 January 28, 2005 QuoteBeing a native Chicagoan, I must unfortunately add: "FIB": a name used by Cheddarheads with an inferiority complex to Illinoisans. LOL No, FIB is a truly earned term by many neighbors to the south that think they own Wisconsin because they have a cabin on a lake... and need to drive like they are in Chicago when they are in the Great Land O Cheese. ...and for those of you that don't know: F ---ing I llinois B astard Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
indyz 1 #23 January 28, 2005 Cora, you forgot my favorite: "Tyme machine" When I worked for [Chicago-area theme park that I am contractually obligated not to name], I dealt with a lot Cheeseheads. I was really confused the first time one came up to me and said, "Excuse me, where can I find a time machine?" I thought I had a crazy person on my hands. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlueEyedMonster 0 #24 January 28, 2005 Tyme Machine.... In our defense It was the ONLY Brand of ATM in our area for years. Its like saying you need a Kleenex, or you are going to Xerox something. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kbordson 8 #25 January 28, 2005 QuoteQuoteBeing a native Chicagoan, I must unfortunately add: "FIB": a name used by Cheddarheads with an inferiority complex to Illinoisans. LOL No, FIB is a truly earned term by many neighbors to the south that think they own Wisconsin because they have a cabin on a lake... and need to drive like they are in Chicago when they are in the Great Land O Cheese. Or those that want to be true Sconsinites... but are stuck below the cheddar curtain in the flatland of IL (ya really have to pity them for that, doncha know!!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites