Marz 0 #1 January 26, 2005 I had it out my my manager on a few occasions over the last few months and she's been on my case ever since. She is now keeping tabs on my hours at work!!!! I got the following e-mail yesterday: Hi Martin, Now that your holidays are over and the flu bug is now gone, I have started to, once again, see a pattern of tardiness. While I realize it may be just minutes, you requested a different start time to assist you in getting in on time; yet that doesn't seem to be working. Friday (Jan 21) you were approx 4-5 minutes late. Monday (Jan 24) you were 2-3 minutes late. Today (Tues Jan 25) again you were late (8:50 AM arrival). We are paid to work a 7.5 hour day and the expectation is that you will be at your desk at 8:30 (the start time you selected) and leave for the day at 5:00. Your punctuality has been an ongoing issue and this has been discussed with you repeatedly. Now I gotta put in context: my wife's car broke down this week and I have to drive our son to daycare in the morning, and I don't control the traffic. And Whjen I was 10 minutes late, I called to let the office know. Now I stress out every morning on my way to work because I don't want to be 3 minutes late!!!! That's fucking stupid. I am presently looking for more work and I have a good mind to walk out of here, but I'm scared to screw myself if I do... I need advice. Be honest. What do you think and what would you do? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mailin 0 #2 January 26, 2005 You're entitled to two 15 minute breaks during the day - do you take them? If not, throw those back in her face. I left a job because I had a manager like that - she was on my case because I punched in 2 minutes late JenArianna Frances Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dbattman 0 #3 January 26, 2005 Start looking. You're on the short list. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marz 0 #4 January 26, 2005 QuoteStart looking. You're on the short list. Ya THINK????? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slotperfect 7 #5 January 26, 2005 Be careful about what you post. It's a small world and this may get back to her. I can show you a technique I use to be punctual, even if things come up unexpectedly. PM me if you're interested.Arrive Safely John Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DShiznit 0 #6 January 26, 2005 I had a mgr/boss like that. I don't work there anymore by my own choice. I hate micro-managing people.. that is bullshit. Do you take lunch breaks? Daily breaks? Are you a smoker? I'd throw back all of the breaks that you don't take in her face. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #7 January 26, 2005 If you're supposed to be at your desk at 8:30, you should plan on your arrival time being 8:20 to cover traffic problems. If you're early and don't want to go inside yet, bring something to read and sit in the car.She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #8 January 26, 2005 QuoteIf you're supposed to be at your desk at 8:30, you should plan on your arrival time being 8:20 to cover traffic problems. If you're early and don't want to go inside yet, bring something to read and sit in the car. Kinda what i was thinking. Being late occasionally is one thing, but almost every day is just bad. ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marz 0 #9 January 26, 2005 I'm not late everyday. And maybe it's the way I was raised and the work culture I was involved in the past but I ride a desk for a living now. In that context, I reckon there's "late"- more than five minutes and then there's plain stupidity!!!! I worked here for two years before this woman took over as manager and never had a problem. And I do plan to get here early. Like I said, my kid doesn't always cooperate and either does the traffic. I guess I'm being a little defensive there... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #10 January 26, 2005 I had the same issue. I worked in a dept. for 6 years and my boss never cared when i arrived. When i got transferred my new boss had problems with me coming in a few minutes late a couple days a week. I got written up for it and now i'm on time. So i do understand what you're going through. ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plowdirt 0 #11 January 26, 2005 I woud say that is a case of HER-ASS-MEN-T. simple solution, get to work on time avoid the bitch make sure your an asset to the company. Then talk to her with her manager, and discuss the issues, start looking for another job, it doesn't matter any way theres any UPITTY BITCH every where you'll look. Have you tried flirting? nvr know she might want to pet your puppy. I would find a way to make her life hell every time she even thought of me. GOODLUCK3 days to go. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #12 January 26, 2005 Quoteit doesn't matter any way theres any UPITTY BITCH every where you'll look. Would it be any different if a man was the one telling him to get to work on time? What would he be called? I don't understand what the problem is. He's paid to do a job, he agreed to get there at a certain time and he's not following through on his end of the agreement. The fault lies with him, not his boss.She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spatula 0 #13 January 26, 2005 I'd definitly agree..I remember reading a post about someone who mentioned negative things about their job/employer and they were fired. Granted it was because of someone else sending the info, but still..I'd be careful. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plowdirt 0 #14 January 26, 2005 If his boss were a man he would be an upitty prick. and 2 or 3 mins is just plane stupid, give me a break. There is no problem simple fact is there is someone out there that wants to enforce there power on any employee they can. And in reality everyone knows once your boss or a super has it out for you it's hard to make amends, if at all. Your aiming your anger in the wrong direction, wheather it be a man or woman, there are upitty attitudes everywhere. It causes hostility in the work environment. And I never said it's the bosses fault. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marz 0 #15 January 26, 2005 Quote Would it be any different if a man was the one telling him to get to work on time? What would he be called? I don't understand what the problem is. He's paid to do a job, he agreed to get there at a certain time and he's not following through on his end of the agreement. The fault lies with him, not his boss. I'm not saying I don't have a part of responsibility in this. However, I don't believe that her approach to this matter is conducive to a productive work environment. We've has several problems in the past. I am very much an A-type personality and I tend to voice my opinion regarding the cases I work on, as well as things I'm asked about that I know a thing or two about like office management sofware. Apparently, speaking confidently is against office culture here and according to her (and to her boss), this makes me "an embarassement" and "not worthy to represent the office in public." As such, I was denied training that every other case manager went on (element of which were actually implemented as office policy!) as "training is a privilege" for which i didn't prove myself worthy. That very much upset me and I let her and the big boss know this and he proceeded to tear a strip of me for an hour. That was when it all went south and the time management emails started. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
livendive 8 #16 January 26, 2005 My "start time" is 7:00. I usually get to work between 6 and 6:30. That gives me an extra 2-4 hours per week in case I have an accidental midweek drunk and don't show up till 9:00. Assuming no such calamity happens and all my work's done, it's nice to occasionally reclaim that time late in the week. Blues, Dave"I AM A PROFESSIONAL EXTREME ATHLETE!" (drink Mountain Dew) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #17 January 26, 2005 Quote2 or 3 mins is just plane stupid, give me a break. By reading his posts, it seems like there is more going on here than just 2-3 minutes.She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white_falcon 0 #18 January 26, 2005 Marz, Sorry to hear you are having issues at work but, you are the one in control of the situation. (not what you want to hear I know) I own a small business and it irks me to no end when an employee is late, FOR ANY REASON. As has been said before, you KNOW what time you have to be at work, BE there. As for the extra morning duties you are having to pull, sorry, no sympathy from me. I too have kids, and I am the one who gets one of them ready for his day (wife takes care of the other, there schools are in different directions) and I am NEVER NEVER NEVER late to work. Its called prior planning, and it truly prevents piss poor performance (being late in this instance). Having said all that, I understand things HAPPEN and I personally am not an ass about "things" happening. The problem you have now is that you ALREADY had issues with you manager and now you are just feeding her MORE ammo. Stand up, take responsiblity, and get to work on time. I hope you don't take this as a flame, it is NOT intended as such. It is only an attempt to provide a different view and, I truly hope you are able to resolve the situation. Good luck, Scott Edit to add: The argument about not taking breaks, and making up for bein late in the morning, or shortening lunch breaks don't wash. A start time is a start time, and you cant trade that, the same way you can't trade NOT taking lunch and/or breaks for being able to leave early. Sorry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freakbrother 0 #19 January 26, 2005 Either meet (or exceed) expectations, or leave.. . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlueEyedMonster 0 #20 January 26, 2005 This isn't micro-managing. She is gathering, and documenting evidence. She is making you aware of the issue in writing....She has already gone to the lenghts of changing your schedule to help you out. Yup, you better be scared as hell of being 1 minute late again because she now has all the ammo she needs to terminate you and deny unemployment benefits. I suspect after "having it out with her on a few occasions over the last few months", she has made the decision to get rid of you. You better go find a new job before you are late again.... or make a complete 180--show up 20 minutes early every day and kiss ass. And to who-ever said the 15 minute break thing... Depends on the state, but the ones I have worked in and federal law, only require 30 minute lunch per 8 hours for non-exempt employees. --Jason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
complexity 0 #21 January 26, 2005 I think its a little ridiculous to comment on you being 2-3 minutes late... but it also depends on what your job entails. Are you in customer services where folks are waiting for you? Do you have to answer phones starting at 8:30? In that case it does make a difference. And if its all the time, that is a different story too. My advice would be to apologize and say that you will make sure that you are not late again. And then try leaving earlier than usual to get to your office. Also, maybe if you are running late, you can give her a call personally and let her know the situation and thus running late -- sometimes (especially women) understand family matters more often than not. That is what i do. I do think she is being way anal though -- particularly if you are performing well and getting all your work done. But thats the nature of the beast when you work for someone else. p.s. keep tabs on her time - is she ever late? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marz 0 #22 January 26, 2005 Fair enough. I don't take comments as a flame. I mean I started this thread. Granted, some of the comments sting a little, but I can't really argue. The bottom line is that I either shape up or ship out. The work I do, while interesting for the first little bit, has now loss its luster, and that probably explains my attitude towards work/getting in on time etc. Although I hae made a concerted effort to play by the rules, there are obviously still fuck-ups on my part. The decision to leave has been clear in my mind for awhile now. I am in the process of cultivating contacts to get out of here, as well as exploring business opportunities of my own. I just have to put up with it a little while longer. We'll see who cracks first. I either resign or she fires my ass. Either way, it might be the motivator I need. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brian425 0 #23 January 26, 2005 Marz, start working on an exit strategy. She is in the process of pushing you out. She will either make you life miserable by nit picking you to death or she will outright fire you soon. The writing is on the wall. I also seriously doubt you opinions about each other will change. I would be working hard on the job search right now. As for being on time, just do it. It's the agreement you made when you accepted the job. In the last 4 years, I have been late 3 times. Twice due to train issues and once because I just woke up late. I've never heard about it from muy boss. I have a reputation of always being on time (even with 15 inches of snow). If I am late they are more concerned than annoyed. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gjhdiver 0 #24 January 26, 2005 QuoteI had it out my my manager on a few occasions over the last few months and she's been on my case ever since. She is now keeping tabs on my hours at work!!!! I got the following e-mail yesterday: Document all conversations with her, and also file a grievance with your HR dept. If you don't, be assured that when someone is bitching about 3 minutes off the day, you're going to get canned. If you raise a reasonable issue with HR about harrasment, you could save yourself from the axe, because her actions will now be as scrutinised as yours. If you get canned after putting a complaint in writing, the company would leave themselves in a potentially very actionable position. I had the same problem with my last boss. I documented his nonsense, which rose to the level of harassment. It turned out he was doing the same thing with a lot of other staff. He wound up getting presented with an offer to resign. I now have a much better boss. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sum1mom 0 #25 January 26, 2005 How the hell does she know you are 2 minutes late?????? Do you punch a clock or something? If so, have someone punch in for you I hope things work out for you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites