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Three men rented a hotel room, the room cost $30 divided by three is $10 a piece, the manager of the hotel felt he was overcharging the three men and decided to sent the bell boy with $5.00 back, so the cost of the room was $25. The bell boy decided on his way to the room to keep $2 to make it even so each of the three guest gets $1 back. So they pay $9x3guest = $27 plus $2 the bell boy kept $29…………………so where is the other dollar????

anyone ;)

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this one bugged me for a long time. if you look at where all the money is you get the correct total

hotel $25
bellhop $2
guests $3
total $30

what you did is subtract the $3 the guests got back, then added the $2 from the bellboy back on. ;)

edited to add, doh! i type too slow!
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The room didn't cost $27, it cost $25 leaving $5 in change to split back amongst the 3 guys. But since the bellboy wanted to keep some, you are now splitting the $5 four ways, which works out to $1.25 each. If he gives back $1 to each of the three guys, he gets his $1.25 plus their .25 each equalling $2.

$25 for the room, $5 in change= $30 no matter how you slice it.

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They pay $10 x 3 = 30 then the hotel manager sents back $5... right........... the bell boy kepts $2 and give back $3 so each of the 3 men paid $9 times 3 men equal $27 plus $2 the bell boy kept $29

get it?????:P

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It's along the same line as counting to five with your first hand and counting backwards to 6 with your second hand and then adding the two numbers to get to 11 instead of 10
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It's not an anolamly, It's all down to the order of precedence of maths operators...

+ is done before -
usually, to ensure that this happens in the order required you can add brackets (stuff in brackest done first).

30 - (3+2) = 25

where as
(30 -3) + 2 = 29

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