
So... tell me about Atlanta, GA

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I'm a very impatient person when it comes to driving. I hate RI drivers for that reason... ever driven in Boston or Providence? Does it compare to Atlanta?


If you can avoid the I-285 loop around Atlanta during rush hour, you have a fair chance of getting somewhere in reasonable time...

I always thought I-75 was far worse during rush hour than 285. It could depend on which part. I would imagine that the northside of the perimeter would be atrocious compared to the rest of it. Maybe it's just me......
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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I always thought I-75 was far worse during rush hour than 285. It could depend on which part. I would imagine that the northside of the perimeter would be atrocious compared to the rest of it. Maybe it's just me......

It may well be... come to think of it, I've driven on I-75, but I don't think it was during rush hour, and it was still pretty chocked full of idiots... :P

I don't think it really matters where you are during rush hour in Atlanta... most anywhere on the interstates really suck. If you can, go MARTA (Moving Atlantans Rapidly Through Atlanta)... :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I've been in Atlanta for 10 years now and loving it. I also fled the cold and high cost of living up north.

Traffic really isn't as bad as most people will try to say it is. Boston, Chicago, New York, and every city in California are much worse that Atlanta.

Atlanta is big. My uncle lives like 70 miles from me, and one of my friends lives like 80.

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Personally, I love being 5/10 min. from anything and everything.

Then ATL is not for you, everything is incredibly spread out and it takes a long time to get anywhere.


half of atlanta's population is from out of town, so all the fuckers drive on the freeway. i can get places "very very!" easy. even during rush hour. the best thing about it here, ya the traffic sucks, learn how to get around it. i was born and raised here and have no plans on leaving, ian can vouch for this "i have no patiance for stupid people". i have absolutly no problem whatsoever with traffic in atl. at any time. but i know alot of back roads and neigborhood roads that i used as a kid to get away from the cops!:o lol.... like kelly said, the marietta arera is great. everything you need with very easy access to atl.

plus we got some preatty cool shit going on down here. like the pst swoop comps at www.skydivethefarm.com and dont forget the holloween freefly boogie at www.skydiveatlanta.com

if you moved here, you would be making a wise choice. hope to meet you soon!;)


I don't think it really matters where you are during rush hour in Atlanta... most anywhere on the interstates really suck

yup. but it isnt hard to get around all the traffic, and all the freeway peeps dont know the back roads.;)

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..., I have been all over the southeast and my top two choices for a decent sized city are Nashville, TN or Austin, TX. Low crime rates, good people, great music, good weather, etc.

This is good information; the most important move is to buy into a home that is affordable to your *emergency* budget. Today, it is very tough for younger couples, even with good educations, to get into a starter home. Amazingly, the Fed says, there's been little inflation during the past five years, and the real estate agents say, now is a great time to buy!

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i was there last weekend.lots of stuff to do.went to the art museum and saw the van gough exhibit.the traffic really really really sux.course i'm from ark and we are used to horse and buggy but that shit was mind boggling.nice place to visit but i dont want to drive in that shit.

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...before we start saving up for the move - so I've got to learn to budget better...

Most couples actual rate of saving is below the current rate of housing appreciation in many markets. This is what is driving people to sign up for these crazy mortgages. The eventual fall-out from this will easily surpass that of the savings and loan collapse.

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I'm so fed up with the cold, politics, taxes, bad drivers, lack of jobs and cost of living here...

Ok, mostly the freakin' cold. I hate it here... I hate the snow and am dying to leave after my graduation in May.

We reached a compromise from either AZ or FL to Atlanta, GA area. Lots of jobs and the cost of living (rent) seems good.

Tell me the good/bad about Atlanta if you're 'in the know'.

Thanks all!


Atlanta -- *aka* waterless hell...

Don't do it!!! The traffic is awful - rent isn't cheap... the weather isn't that great.

I abslutely despise it here. I have lived here for two years now and I am leaving sometime before March 14 to go back home to San Diego.

I would take AZ or FL over Atlanta in a second.

Is it enough to love? Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die? Somebody save my life
I’d rather be anything but ordinary please

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The traffic is awful - rent isn't cheap... the weather isn't that great.


You've never lived in the northeast have you?

Trust me, you have no idea what expensive rent, bad weather or traffic is until you've spent a winter in Boston. B|:S

Arianna Frances

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You've never lived in the northeast have you?

Trust me, you have no idea what expensive rent, bad weather or traffic is until you've spent a winter in Boston. B|:S

Heh -- no -- I am from the coast of So. Cal. -- San Diego -- land of great weather at least -- though traffic and rent can leave something to be desired -- but why not go to somewhere that is way cool!

I suppose we all have our places that we can't stand. This would be mine.

Is it enough to love? Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die? Somebody save my life
I’d rather be anything but ordinary please

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Last I checked, GA has a state income tax.


That's why I'm going to become a Florida resident next week.

uh oh - whats the income tax rate?

ok, maybe I'm just confused about taxes - I file a 1040 with RI when I do my taxes, so MA and RI have state income tax then... what makes GA different?

Arianna Frances

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I've never lived in a state where I haven't had to file income tax

Shouldn't be anything too differen't. It's just that depending on how much you make....it can make a HUGE difference. :S Since it will cost me whatever getting a Florida Driver's License costs......it's worth changing my residency. ;)

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I abslutely despise it here. I have lived here for two years now and I am leaving sometime before March 14 to go back home to San Diego.

Hey, San Diego is high-end living when compared to most of America's cities, and the annual average weather is world class.

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I abslutely despise it here. I have lived here for two years now and I am leaving sometime before March 14 to go back home to San Diego.

Hey, San Diego is high-end living when compared to most of America's cities, and the annual average weather is world class.

Which is why I am leaving waterless hell *aka* Atlanta and going HOME to San Diego! (-;

Is it enough to love? Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die? Somebody save my life
I’d rather be anything but ordinary please

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But...but...Jumptown isn't there.

Yes, but neither is Jumptowns weather so we actually get to skydive more than 3 months of the year :)
Sadly, the people at Jumptown and it's atmosphere are irreplacable. Katie and I miss them all the time.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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But...but...Jumptown isn't there. :(

Ya... thats a bummer, but... its closer to the crack house (the tunnel), and to a million other great DZs - where Jumptown is the only DZ in New England I'd go to. Come to the warmer weather - you'll like it, trust me! ...as I look outside at the now 15" of snow and howling winds...


All you need to know about Atlanta is that it is on the way to Florida! B|

PRRREEEECISSSELY! ;) I'm that much closer to the sunshine state!


Arianna Frances

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