
What goes with what? Selling a rig in 3 parts

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I am selling the main, reserve and container separate. Just making sure i give the right parts for each. The main comes with the canopy, brake handles, bag and pilot chute correct?
The risers for both reserve and main stay with the container?
The reserve spring and reserve bag stay with the container correct?
I don't want to make any one mad when they get their gear...thanks guys!

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main canopy comes with slink/links NOTHING ELSE

dbag/ main risers and toggles, pc, reserve pc and freebag are PART OF THE CONTAINER.

some buyers may wish to get their reserve risers with the reserve, and that's strictly up to you if you want to do it that way. :)

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some buyers may wish to get their reserve risers with the reserve,

How, exactly, would you propose to give the reserve risers to one person and the harness / container to another ? ;) My reserve risers are made as part of the harness and can not be separated.

Reserve comes with links/slinks only.

Kevin K.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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some buyers may wish to get their reserve risers with the reserve,

How, exactly, would you propose to give the reserve risers to one person and the harness / container to another ? ;) My reserve risers are made as part of the harness and can not be separated.

Reserve comes with links/slinks only.

Kevin K.

I thought the smiley face afterward would make it apparent as a joke. I did get a reserve on severed risers once. fun fun.

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some buyers may wish to get their reserve risers with the reserve,

How, exactly, would you propose to give the reserve risers to one person and the harness / container to another ? ;) My reserve risers are made as part of the harness and can not be separated.

Reserve comes with links/slinks only.

Kevin K.


Good one!
You got him with that joke!

You need scissors to remove reserve risers!

According to PIA Technical Standard 102, reserve canopies come with fabric, lines, slider connector links, maybe a diaper and a manual.
Everything else is supplied by the container manufacturer

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main canopy comes with slink/links NOTHING ELSE

every one I ever bought came with a slider too..:P

well, as often as people may send me canopies with zip ties or just thread holding lines together, I am yet to have anyone send me a canopy without a slider.

but good point. slider, though removable, is still part of the canopy.

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main canopy comes with slink/links NOTHING ELSE

So I've seen people get canopies with all the lines loose and just tied in a big knot, because the previous owner was so desperate to hang on to his $25 Slinks...:S


Saving money on s-links?
A new set of s-links costs less than the rigger's time to straighten out the %$#@! lines!

OTOH I have seen plenty of main canopies sold with risers and toggles (in contravention of PIA TS-102).

This is because it is too much labour to swap risers and toggles.
Also consider that main risers are a high wear item that has to be replaced far more often, say every thousand jumps.
Furthermore, main risers are interchangable between most harnesses. The biggest variable is whether the RSL is on the left or right shoulder.

The simple answer is to ask the person selling the container to knock $100 off the asking price to pay for a new set of main risers.
Do we pro-rate used main risers???

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main canopy comes with slink/links NOTHING ELSE

So I've seen people get canopies with all the lines loose and just tied in a big knot, because the previous owner was so desperate to hang on to his $25 Slinks...:S


Saving money on s-links?
A new set of s-links costs less than the rigger's time to straighten out the %$#@! lines!

OTOH I have seen plenty of main canopies sold with risers and toggles (in contravention of PIA TS-102).

This is because it is too much labour to swap risers and toggles.
Also consider that main risers are a high wear item that has to be replaced far more often, say every thousand jumps.
Furthermore, main risers are interchangable between most harnesses. The biggest variable is whether the RSL is on the left or right shoulder.

The simple answer is to ask the person selling the container to knock $100 off the asking price to pay for a new set of main risers.
Do we pro-rate used main risers???

Its not THAT hard to straighten out the lines.

I would have no issue hooking up a main that came without links.

You would charge more than 25 bucks to straighten out the lines?

I need to get my riggers ticket!
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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