
One step closer to being a PILOT!!!

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Negative...........I know a chick here in Atlanta that got hired.......because she has GREAT boobs!!!!! :D OK.....she has been a flight instructor for a few years but lets face it. She got hired because of the rack. :D

Oh HELL if it ever came down to flight as a profession I'd be IN!! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Congrats,ive been a commercial pilot for 15 yrs and i love it,still cant believe people pay me to do this.A quick question,why did you get a first class,my doc charges extra for them and as i dont need it i always just get a Second.

So having been a commercial pilot for years then, would YOU be worried if your ground school sold antenna balls that smoked weed?? :D:D:D

LOL...anyhoo, it is a college...:S:P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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It just points out a primary rule:
Blue side up, green side down. :D

No no, silly! The plane I will be flying is red and white! The wing thingy's are white on top, and the fuse o' lodge is red! I sawd it myself! :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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yea, I'm wondering too.. why he got a first class with a student pilot ticket? 1st class is good only 6 months, 2nd class 1 year, 3rd class 3 years, or 2 years if over 40 years of age.. unless you hold a ATP rating you really don't need a first class medical..

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yea, I'm wondering too.. why he got a first class with a student pilot ticket? 1st class is good only 6 months, 2nd class 1 year, 3rd class 3 years, or 2 years if over 40 years of age.. unless you hold a ATP rating you really don't need a first class medical..

'He' is a 'she' ...:P

I had to know if I would qualify for it in the first place, otherwise I might head in a different direction for flight options.

Edited to add: I may just want an ATP someday! Like I said, I want to make sure that I don't someday aspire to something that isn't going to be physically possible. MOST likely I'll never bother getting it, but I might as well see. It was the same price anyhoo. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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My best advice is learn to FLY.Find an instructor who will teach you to fly the airplane not just get you through a checkride.It may take more hours but in the long run you will be way better off for it.just because someone wears a uniform to work does not make tham a good pilot.Some of the scuffiest pilots i have seen are the ag guys,but they can do things with an aircraft that amaze me.Same holds true in the helicopter world.When the engine quits,do you want to sit with someone who can pass a check ride ,or someone who can get every last ounce of performance out of the Aircraft,and put it down in a busy street on a saturday.

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yea, I'm wondering too.. why he got a first class with a student pilot ticket? 1st class is good only 6 months, 2nd class 1 year, 3rd class 3 years, or 2 years if over 40 years of age.. unless you hold a ATP rating you really don't need a first class medical..

I think she made the right choice. It really sucks to get deep into your instrument/commercial training, and be up to your eyeballs in debt from doing so, only to fail your Class II medical.

The money spent on the first medical is good insurance that you don't get bitten the same way.

In my case, it would have been money saved.

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I started flying years ago. My solo was THE best point in my life. It gave me so much confidence.

I just started learning to fly Helicopters....Now thats a MF.

Good luck.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I started flying years ago. My solo was THE best point in my life. It gave me so much confidence.

I just started learning to fly Helicopters....Now thats a MF.

Good luck.

I definitely want to do the helicopter thing!! They scare me...and I always attack the things that scare me. <--I'm afraid of being under water, so husband took us scuba diving...I'm afraid of heights, now I'm a skyjumper...:P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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