
I own the DVD but get excited when it comes on TV...

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Do you have movies like that? You've seen a lot, you own the DVD and nearly never watch it anymore, but you get excited when it comes on TV.

I own the BTTF trilogy on VHS and now on DVD, I have seen them many many many times, I can quote the movies to you line by line, but I'll be damned if I can't help but watch when its on TV.

Easy Rider is coming on AMC in 5 minutes and I'm excited to watch it. I have the DVD 1 foot away from me on my computer desk right now, but I can't help it, I want to watch.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Star Wars doesn't come on TV often anymore. I remember it was a yearly ritual that I would watch the trilogy on TV while out of school for the Christmas holidays. It was usually on around the 22nd or 23rd then on again on the 29th or so.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Yep, even if it's edited and with commercials. There's just something about it being on TV.

Maybe there's something about watching it "with" thousands of other people at the same time as opposed to watching it alone.

Plus it's fun to see what they changed. Like in Smokey and the Bandit, it's funny to watch how the changed/censured the cursing. "You scum-bum!" :D

Music is the same way, like 2fat2fly said. Got the CD. Can listen to it anytime I want. Gotta crank up the radio cuz it sounds better. :S:D

Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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Rainy Satirday afternoons were made for either Crimson Tide or Hunt For The Red October. I own them both, but if I see them on TV I have to watch them.

Another one, not on as much any more is Jaws. Who can forget:
"Here lies the fire Mary Lee, died at the age of 103, for 15 years she kept her virginity, not a bad record for this vicinity."

My other ride is a RESERVE.

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Yeah... Just saw them last week, or was it over the weekend? Never get tired of seeing Marty outsmart the Tannens of whatever time he's in....

What's the matter? You chicken?

uh oh.... :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I own the Band of Brothers DVDs. I dont think I have ever put those in the DVD player. The history channel plays them all the time, when ever I run into it I never change the channel even if there is only 5 minutes left in the show.

What could possibly go wrong?

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i do that with the shawshank redemption. i have it on dvd, and watch it all the time, but still tune in if its on tv. i remember TNT used to show it 3 or 4 times in a row sometimes, and i would always end up watching it at least a couple times in a row.

james bond movies, too.

I'm not the percent you think survives,
I need sanctuary in the pages of this book...

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The Great Escape or The Dirty Dozen!

Always shown over festive season.

Watched TGE on New Years Day, on the sofa, blanket over me, hangover from hell.

This acted as some sort of cure.B|

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