
I want to date someone who works as a...

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*Disclaimer* This is assuming that no one gets sick of their job, and you benefit from their knowledge!

Sex therapist

What profession do you go for?

Tantric Teacher.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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pimp :P

okay, so not really. i guess i don't give a crap what someone does for a living as long as they are intelligent, dedicated, committed, funny, interesting, and all the other things i look for. but they HAVE to be able to hold their own. i ain't nobody's sugar mamma!!!!

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Massuer. Isn't it masseuse?

I thought massuer is male and masseuse is female. I could be wrong!

Stop trying to be fancy by using french words, posers! :P

Masseur (m) and masseuse (f) are the corect terms if in french, but you yanks probably bastardize it.... :P

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Well, back when I was driving a beat up 1984 Rennault Encore, I thought dating a mechanic would be pretty practical. ;)

Anyway, I don't have as many car problems now, but mechanic would still be on my list.

Also, veteranarian since one of my kitties always seems to need something,

massage therapist or chiropractor.

and now that I'm a homeowner, a carpenter, contractor or professional handyman would be nice to have around.

But you know the old saying- "The cobbler's wife has no shoes!"? With my luck, if I ended up with a guy in one of those professions, he'd do all his work for his clients and when he got home, wouldn't want to do anything related to his profession!

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I don't care what they do, as a job doesn't necessarily make a person. As long as they AREworking, that's all that matters to me.

I want someone who's smart, fun, witty and willing to fall head over heals in love with me! :$

Think I'm asking for too much? ;)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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But you know the old saying- "The cobbler's wife has no shoes!"? With my luck, if I ended up with a guy in one of those professions, he'd do all his work for his clients and when he got home, wouldn't want to do anything related to his profession!

From someone in the computer industry who hates dealing with computers at home all I can say is "AMEN"
Fly it like you stole it!

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i guess i don't give a crap what someone does for a living

Yes, I don't actually care what a person does for a living either. This is more of a "What professions gives the best added bonus?"

hey... i said pimp! what's wrong with dating a pimp??? think of all the cool hats you could borrow from them for dz parties! you would be the coolest cat around!

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