
Bedroom Adventure Gear (NSFW) see pic

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Hookers or pillows?

Don't know about the pillows but the hookers.......it depends on where you are standing. I know I almost fell off the bar stool when they told me $130 in Korea. I DID fall off the bar stool in NYC recently when I watched a guy pay $400. I had wandered into a bar/whore house in China town by accident. :D There ain't NO damn pussy in the world worth more than $50! I mean..........my right hand is FREE! :D

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Geesh, they're making a killing off the freaking wedge pillow that costs like $15 down at WalMart or where ever...:S

Those were first designed so you could breathe easier/acid reflux/read/watch TV in bed...

Now the extra little pillow thingy at the bottom has GOT to be just so you don't instantly say, "Hey! That's the $15 wedge pillow you can buy down at the Piggly-Wiggly!"
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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