
So why aren't you jumping today?

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High winds and a tight DZ with nearly no outs. Going to FL next week and don't want to risk getting stuck in a tree so close to departure date.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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hey I was on that team too! I know you drove home bummed out that you missed out on 4 jumps with me!!!:P

you got back to west palm beach by 4:30???
sunset jump would have been awesome tonite, cleared up and calmed down, nice and sunny...
oh well...but everyone was in the bar I guess.,,

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My ass is broken

Ouch, that is a good reason...here it is windy, windy, oh yeah, its windy!!!!!>:( Plus, my home DZ isn't open for another week...Moab...COUNTDOWN: 5 days, 12 hours and 51 minutes...

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I went out to Elsinore for a level2 retake and the winds were too high for students :(

I swear I have the worst luck in the world, this happens more often than I'd like. I live an hour and half away from the DZ and the drive sucks when you don't get to jump. I guess I'll have to wake up earlier next time before the winds pick up.

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I was in Meh-Hee-Coe today.....Cabo San Lucas, to be exact....well, I was there for a couple hours...the rest of the day I was sitting in the pointy end of an airplane.. It sucked.. The weather was fuckin awesome in Cabo, but didn't get to hit the beach or anything due to the limited time.. THANKS FOR REMINDING ME HOW MUCH MY DAY SUCKED!@# :P


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It sucked.. The weather was fuckin awesome in Cabo, but didn't get to hit the beach or anything due to the limited time..

WEll it was raining here.. with 1500 ft cieling.. and NEXT weekend it better be clear in Nevada.. I think the ODDS are GOOD... BWAHAHAHA

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Money, or the lack thereof, pure and simple. Today's the first day of summer in Orange County. At least I got to run at the beach with no shirt (sorry if my gut was hangin' out, it should be gone before long). If I had the dough, it woulda been a perfeck day fer skideevin'.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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working :(

didn't jump saturday because it rained.
didn't jump sunday because the weather man said rain all weekend plus i had prior commitments to go out all night instead and so ruined myself for any possible jumping on sunday... then the sun shone sunday morning and i had to watch from the ground.
can't jump this coming weekend either. how lame. i should take a sickie i think. B|

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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Because of that stupid white cold thing called snow that covered our country. it's at least 20cm of it everywehre. and it just won't stop snowing. :S

Where is the spring, cmon SUN work with me. Melt this stuff away, scatter the clouds and let us JUMP :)
"George just lucky i guess!"

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