
5 Years Sober Today

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Skydiving helped me overcome my addictions, trading one vice for another? Yes, but I really get something out of skydiving and I know where my money went;).


I have a book entitled "Positive Addictions." The author mainly talks about log-distance running as a substitute for drug addiction, but the concept is the same. If you have an addictive type personality. find a positive outlet for that energy.
For example, while I was in the service, I substituted cross-country running for punching out my lying boss. That positive outlet got me to the regionals a couple of times.

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I did a Tandem just before I got sober. I did another one a couple months into sobriety and did aff over that first year. This was my focus. I litteraly thought that if I drink, I will never be able to jump again, and that may very well be the truth for me. Thats the way alcohol affects me personally, it becomes THE most important thing in my life. Yes, I probably just switched addictions but what a deal I got.

The Dude Abides.

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