
nipple piercing

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Thanks! And heck yeah I'll post pics of the jumpsuit! :)

but i do like my tattoos though

I would never get one for myself (fear of commitment), but I have seen some really cool ones that I want in the temporary fashion! :D
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I've my nipple piercing since 7 years - and yes it hurts. But it hurts only in the moment were the needle goes through. Thaht meens, if you find a good piercer, you have less pain, because he knows hi swork and does the job as fast as possible.
I would do it again ;)
sorry for broken english, I'm Austrian

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I think that your ultra skinny ass should just wear a weight belt like everyone else rather than "hard wiriing" in a couple of attachment points. Or are you thinking that having the weights there will pull you heads down so you might actually break a 100 in FF? If that's the case, then just cast yourself a helmet out of concrete. ;)

Seriously. In the end, I figure that getting your nipples pierced is alot like get circumised. Yeah, it's popular but you just killed a lot of nerves in a really good spot for a bad reason.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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Hell yeah they hurt.... and not just when the needle goes in. They hurt as they're healing. They hurt from time to time even after they're healed.

And no, you don't lose the feeling, it's a whole new world of sensation.

Don't knock 'em til you rock 'em.

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I have a friend that has both his nipples pierced. He is very good looking and has a very nice build.;)

On the other topic of panty lines when he wears a thin tight shirt you can see the outline of the rings, very, very sexy.:P

Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.

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