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Why is it that i work hard to make my living, i defend this country, i taken bullet for the country, and on christmas day someone decides that their best christmas gift would be everything in my house????:(:(

most everything can be replaced....but i lost all my photos that i had on my computer.....memories cant be replaced...:(
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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Oh wow, thats terrible Jake. When you got things sorted out, i'll be happy to send you all the dzcom photos i have. I know it won't replace everything you lost, but at least you'll have some photos. [:/]


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Hey Man. I have done the same as you except one thing you gotta remember the World don't give a F&*k about you and your life. Some people just F!@ked up. All they care is what they can get out of life. They Steal , Kill , Destroy or whatever it takes. Bottom line Christmas don't mean Shit to that type of person. Its a Crying shame but you have to some how accept the fact this type of low life will always be around ready to take advantage of any opportunity. And try and make it hard on them by not ever giving them a chance if all possible.
The glass is half full or half empty doesn't matter. Let go and have the Lord guide your path. He will take care of it all.

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just incredible...sorry Jake. Do you live on the base? Did the cops call you or a friend?

At least you had all your skydiving gear and camera setup with you.

Any idea the extent of the damage yet?
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Dude....look at the bright side of life:

I took a bullet cause just for the hell of it (thank Gawd no permanent damage)

I work hard to make a buck (or sorta hard)

My bitch of an ex took it all and on Xmas slapped new child support on me.

At least I wished her Alzheimer's for Xmas (I don't think she liked it) B|

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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That sucks, Jake. :( I'm really sorry to hear that. If I had any pics of you (or from Rantoul or the Halloween boogie), I'd send 'em to you. But you could always go to Skydiveatlantapix.com and pull some off there. Small consolation, I know.

I hope they catch the guys who did it and kick their asses! [:/]


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Did they leave the dog?

my dog is staying with a friend....so hes ok

Damage....everything...like i said..what they didnt take they trashed.....cut open my waterbed, slashed my leather couch.....

No the cops didnt call us or a friend....a friend who was stopping by the house a few times a day to cxheck on things and get the mail came and saw the front door kicked in and called the cops.....

they are finger printing the house tomorrow and they found a foot print on the door....maybe it will help...and my friend is staying there untill we get back.....with his friend Mr. 45
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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First off....Dude this totall sucks....Im so sorry to hear this happend....:(

Second, a thought for ALL of us.....be careful what you post on the internet....you never know who is reading what, and when we all sit here and post where anyone can read our info EXACTLY WHAT DAYS AND TIMES we are leaving home, with full names and city and state in our profiles....any one can see that and very easily locate your home :(

It is so sad that we have to worry about that, and hell I had my info in my profile as well.....
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Sounds like someone you know...know's you..
or know's someone you know.

Keep you're eye's & ears open...

Check the pawn shops when you get back,
shops as far away as 20 - 30 miles.
Just fax them a list of missing items.

It's too late now I know..but just a thought..

They make a small..batery powered digital
camera, motion sensor triggered units,
available at hunting outlets. That are used to record 'game' activity for a certian hunting area....

I have one concealed on the approach
to our home.
90% of the time I just clear the memory
without even looking at it...
unless I have reason to be concerned.

It's cheap...and potentially helpful.

That being said Bro...:)

I'll be going through in a couple weeks picking
up a Ret. Ranger buddy on the way to PIA....

If ya get a line on these dirtbags...
we'll hide the body!

Mattress cover.....................Check~
Bone..er Tree saw................Check~
Directions to a hog farm.......CHECK~

But seriously,
thieves are by nature lazy and stupid..
Say frosty...what comes around...!;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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