
Most Memorable Moment....

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I figured since it is winding down to the end of the year... maybe we would like to post what the most memorable moment was for us this past 2004 year.

Mine would be my tandem... I will never forget it. :)
How about you? :)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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I figured since it is winding down to the end of the year... maybe we would like to post what the most memorable moment was for us this past 2004 year.

Mine would be my tandem... I will never forget it. :)
How about you? :)

Oh shut up and go stand in the gear room again. I want to see if it works if we leave you in there longer.


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I figured since it is winding down to the end of the year... maybe we would like to post what the most memorable moment was for us this past 2004 year.

Mine would be my tandem... I will never forget it. :)
How about you? :)

Oh shut up and go stand in the gear room again. I want to see if it works if we leave you in there longer.


that is not very nice ... this is a time of joy and love and togetherness... not a time for cruel reality... :D:P
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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probably .....most memorable...

falling into the cart full of melted ice cream at work RIGHT in front of the men from head office (who could fire me for beathing the air they breathe)

My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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Oh shut up and go stand in the gear room again. I want to see if it works if we leave you in there longer.


that is not very nice ... this is a time of joy and love and togetherness... not a time for cruel reality... :D:P

I was being nice. I just wanted you to hold my eggnog while you're in there.

I now realise that just about nobody knows what we're talking about here, so I'll stop now.

Everybody is stupid.

Except me.

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Oh shut up and go stand in the gear room again. I want to see if it works if we leave you in there longer.


that is not very nice ... this is a time of joy and love and togetherness... not a time for cruel reality... :D:P

I was being nice. I just wanted you to hold my eggnog while you're in there.

I now realise that just about nobody knows what we're talking about here, so I'll stop now.

Everybody is stupid.

Except me.

Good thinking... let's keep'em in the dark.. :ph34r::) ... so now to the subject at hand.. ;)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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October 29, 2004.... standing on the Cliffs of Moher watching the sunset, enjoying the beauty and majesty that this world has to offer.... :)

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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October 29, 2004.... standing on the Cliffs of Moher watching the sunset, enjoying the beauty and majesty that this world has to offer....

whoa....I did the same thing in march.

But I'd have to say that my most memorable moment was my now fiance turning to me in the kingair and asking me what I was doing on the jump. I said "a solo." He said "a SOLO?!?! Do you really WANT to do a SOLO?!?!?!" Then he bumped off the flocking dive he was on to jump with me. The rest is history.

Everyone have a great Christmas, and Travis and I will see some of you in Zhills for New Years.:)

"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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I figured since it is winding down to the end of the year... maybe we would like to post what the most memorable moment was for us this past 2004 year.

Mine would be my tandem... I will never forget it. :)
How about you? :)

Try again, sweetie.. Your tandem was in 2003... :P

Mine was earning my AFF rating.. it was fulfilling a goal..
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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But I'd have to say that my most memorable moment was my now fiance turning to me in the kingair and asking me what I was doing on the jump. I said "a solo." He said "a SOLO?!?! Do you really WANT to do a SOLO?!?!?!" Then he bumped off the flocking dive he was on to jump with me. The rest is history.

Awe!! :)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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ooo! ooo! I got it!! ... My most memorable moment this year was chopchop and i got a place in Florida, and we went out together and bought furniture and all the finishings for it to make it our second home. :)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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Can I have three memorable moments? :)

OK. I admit it....I'm greedy, but always very thankful for everything that happens to me.

#1-August 1'st-Docking 16'th on a 33 way. Biggest CRW formation I've ever been in so far!

#2-October 23'rd-My first balloon jump, kiss pass and becoming a Rodriguez brother.

#3-Septemer-Being published in "Parachutist." (They even paid me! WOW! I would have paid THEM for that honor)

Nina Tharp

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Although 2004 was a year full of changes for me it was a good year. I think the things I will remember the most about this year is:

1. going to boogies and making new friends

2. Being published in the 2005 USPA calander as well as 3 other publications

3. getting accepted into nursing school

4. Going to Japan to shoot video for Norman Kent, The honor of working for Norman made me realize, the hard work has finally paid off, I really am a camera flyer and I can hold my own. even if nobody else is impressed, I am damn proud of myself.

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