
Son of a Gun.......

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So I leave from Columbus, MS where I'm stationed with the Air Force and head back to Tampa for XMAS. I'm all pumped cause I picked up some new gear and can't wait to jump it. Was planning on me and a few of my buddies doing a round robin at Z-hills, Lake Wales for collegiates, Deland, and possibly Sebastian over our short 8 day break.

What do I do..............I leave my freakin logbook and USPA card inside my logbook at home:( I tried calling the apartment complex to have the manager go into my apt. and get it for me but they're closed till next Tuesday. I called USPA to see if I could get another card sent or something and they're closed. What do I do?? I'm a student with 20 jumps logged and AFF completed, but now that my logbook is at home am I going to be able to jump??

Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated in this stressful situation....I was so looking forward to the warm weather and continuous free-falls!!

Merry Xmas and Be Safe!!

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the uspa card is easily remidied as the dz you go to can look you up on the uspa site as long as they are a group member to check your membership status..... as for the log bok and you with no lisc well, that might suck unless they can get ahold of your dzo and he can confirm you are good to go..... good luck with it all....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Most DZ's will go out of their way to help you, as previously stated the status of your USPA membership is easily checked online by DZ's. Not having your log book presents a bit of a problem the DZ's should call your home DZ to confirm the fact that you are off student status good luck.

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Ok well.....I'm a registered USPA member so they should be able to look that up, and they can also get a hold of both my AFF instructors so I hope that should work. I did my AFF course at Skydive Tallahassee so does the DZO just call over there and verify it with Cindy (DZO of Skydive T)?

Thanks for the replies.....Blue Skies

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