Who's in Munich?

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Well, I will be next week, for one. Are there any dz.commers there? I have about half a day of work and 3 days to hang out (including new years). I can only drink so much beer by myself... :)
I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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Many of the germans are NOT going to one of the spanish boogies...

I heard they're going to ALL the French boogies though...


yeah, they organise big boogies with their planes and vehicles... And the greatest they organised was in june 44 when they invited these famous US and UK load organisers... :)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Many of the germans are NOT going to one of the spanish boogies...

I heard they're going to ALL the French boogies though...


yeah, they organise big boogies with their planes and vehicles... And the greatest they organised was in june 44 when they invited these famous US and UK load organisers... :)


That has to be one of the most insightful, yet funny observations I have read here in a long time! Nice one.

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Oh, some where i have the menu to the Bier Garten that I drank Maximator Bier.

The company I work for bought a company in Munich and I was the one who got to go set up the Local Network.

Jan (sounds like Yawn) took me around nightly and one night we found ourselves 90 meters under ground in the bierr cellar turned pup at a famaus Bier Garten.

Well, I learned all about Maximator Bier that night. It's extra strong seasonal beer created by the Monks. The end result of the evening was me sleeping under a tarp outside in the Beir Garten outside.

I had to go outside and catch some air... (read puke the excess amounts of way strong beer out of my stomach) I realized I couldn't actually speak coherently so off to the kitchen area in the back. Every thing was covered with really nice Rubber coated tarps so I made a makeshift Tent.

After I woke up I spoke the names of the streets the hotel was on. Ill have to spell them in english since I don't have a german keyboard...

waldfreidhofstrausse and furstenfreidhofstrausse
sounds like... *vald freed hof strowsa* and *firsten freed hof strowsa*.

Say those 2 words when you're really hammered and you're an american with no german language skills.

Once I could say the words I got up to go find a taxi, climbed under the big wooden gate, sheepishly waved to the security guard and wandered off till I found a taxi.

Me: Do you speak english?
Taxi Driver: Leetuhl Beet.

I crossed my fingers that I could pronounce the words of the streets properly

Me:waldfreidhofstrausse and furstenfreidhofstrausse

The taxi driver pondered for a a bit....

Taxi Driver: Bared guh Keeng?

Me: YES! Burger King!

Burger king is just around the corner from the hotel.

He drove me back to the hotel at about 5 am out of the cold. I literally sat down in the shower for awhile warming up then went to bed crashed hard.

Jan had no Idea where I went. I had gone to the garten with 2 people, Jan and Guenter. Jan thought I went back with Guenter and Guenter thought I went back with Jan.

They were really embarrassed but thought it was rquite funny after the fact.

The end :)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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I will have to make sure to find this place and pay my respects on your behalf. ;) I thank you for the story, and more importantly, I thank you for the recommendation. :)
I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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Oh, some where i have the menu to the Bier Garten that I drank Maximator Bier.

The company I work for bought a company in Munich and I was the one who got to go set up the Local Network.

Jan (sounds like Yawn) took me around nightly and one night we found ourselves 90 meters under ground in the bierr cellar turned pup at a famaus Bier Garten.

Well, I learned all about Maximator Bier that night. It's extra strong seasonal beer created by the Monks. The end result of the evening was me sleeping under a tarp outside in the Beir Garten outside.

I had to go outside and catch some air... (read puke the excess amounts of way strong beer out of my stomach) I realized I couldn't actually speak coherently so off to the kitchen area in the back. Every thing was covered with really nice Rubber coated tarps so I made a makeshift Tent.

After I woke up I spoke the names of the streets the hotel was on. Ill have to spell them in english since I don't have a german keyboard...

waldfreidhofstrausse and furstenfreidhofstrausse
sounds like... *vald freed hof strowsa* and *firsten freed hof strowsa*.

Say those 2 words when you're really hammered and you're an american with no german language skills.

Once I could say the words I got up to go find a taxi, climbed under the big wooden gate, sheepishly waved to the security guard and wandered off till I found a taxi.

Me: Do you speak english?
Taxi Driver: Leetuhl Beet.

I crossed my fingers that I could pronounce the words of the streets properly

Me:waldfreidhofstrausse and furstenfreidhofstrausse

The taxi driver pondered for a a bit....

Taxi Driver: Bared guh Keeng?

Me: YES! Burger King!

Burger king is just around the corner from the hotel.

He drove me back to the hotel at about 5 am out of the cold. I literally sat down in the shower for awhile warming up then went to bed crashed hard.

Jan had no Idea where I went. I had gone to the garten with 2 people, Jan and Guenter. Jan thought I went back with Guenter and Guenter thought I went back with Jan.

They were really embarrassed but thought it was rquite funny after the fact.

The end :)

...just takes a little techie know-how.....


How's that? - hehehe B|


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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waldfreidhofstrausse and furstenfreidhofstrausse
sounds like... *vald freed hof strowsa* and *firsten freed hof strowsa*.

Say those 2 words when you're really hammered and you're an american with no german language skills.

...just takes a little techie know-how.....


And Hookit, just un case strausse and strasse (or straße)(in your explanation pronounce shtrassay) are not quite the same.

The one you meant is a street
The one you wrote is the plural of an ostrich:D:D

And no, it has nothing to do with Austria (Osterreich ):)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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