
"DiCaprio reveals close encounter with death!"

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The idea that, "any publicity is good publicity," originated in Hollywood.

In the twenties and thirties there are Press Agents who did nothing but try to dream up ways to get their client's names into the columns . . . and it was always a matter of stretching the truth to complement the idea being presented, and this is the same thing.

Our only problem, and it's so very sad, is the mainstream press is doing the same thing.

Anyway, I'm comforted by the fact no one I know watches, "Access Hollywood," or "Celebrity Justice," and those type of shows because, if nothing else they comprehend they are being manipulated.

In fact, when these type of shows began (in the early 80s) with "Hard Copy" and the like, where they first disguised nonsense and spin as hard news, (and later become the model for FOX news) I thought people would see thru this, and these shows would be short lived, but it's come to pass that most didn't "get it" and it's scaring the crap out of me. . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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Well i am not a lawyer or anything and i will not try to be after i get this comment shut down but.....
The USPA is an organisation, and the DZ is a business, a high profile celebrity goes on national television that goes world wide, lies about something that did not happen the way he said it, made it sound aweful and very unsafe, and tells america to never skydive or try this business's service(well the nanas and lonely housewifes).
Is this not Slandering the organisation of the USPA or defimation?(spel).
Is that not illegal?
What he said sounds like he added a whole lot of bullshit to his story that was untrue.
Or is this what the free country of america calls freedom of speech. I think it is defimation saying this about ones service when it is 70% fabricated.

It has been done, and they lost.[:/] Oprah said on her show that she would never eat hamburger again. The beef industry went into the toilet in less than two days. I don't recall what live cattle were trading at before but i know it hit almost record lows. One guy, with about 700,000 cattle on feed, sued her for ruining his livelyhood. He lost.[:/]

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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>Is this not Slandering the organisation of the USPA or defimation?

?? Skydiving IS dangerous. You CAN die. Both your parachutes CAN fail. What's USPA going to say? You can't die? You can.

>made it sound aweful and very unsafe . . .

For some people it is awful. For some people it is very unsafe. We should not try to get these people into the sport. That would be a huge mistake.

>I think it is defimation saying this about ones service when it is 70% fabricated.

Then we're all in trouble! "Yeah, the dive was going great - we were gonna turn 20 points in time! - until that guy stole my air and funnelled me." "Man, did you see that? I must have surfed 200 feet."

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Is this not Slandering the organisation of the USPA or defimation?(spel).
Is that not illegal?

I think it would be more concrete of a case if the shithead said "XZY Skydive where I did my jump is the most dangerous and unprofesional place ever. Not only should people never skydive, but if you do avoid that school and XZY instructors." Then I think a case would exist.

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Sorry to hear that - sounds like a story I've heard been told 'round these parts 'bout a guy in GA years back (unless I'm confusing the same person). Traumatized many for a long time - what a shitty thing to do to your friends in the community, but at least he's a peace with his demons now.***

Just curious. Does the version of the story that you heard include reference to a doggie who later got the name "brain-eater"?

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Ever see him in the Quick and The Dead ? A western gunfight movie.

Sharon Stone and him are sitting on the bed talking. They have the same green eyes, blondish hair, narrow shoulders, and girlish arms.

They could have been twin sisters. Amazing scene.

LMAO. Leonardo is pure Hollywood BS. It's amusing how many action hero actors are really girly boys at heart. I was disappointed to see Leo get the Howard Hughes role. I don't think he has the stones to carry the part.

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In fact, when these type of shows began (in the early 80s) with "Hard Copy" and the like, where they first disguised nonsense and spin as hard news, (and later become the model for FOX news) I thought people would see thru this, and these shows would be short lived, but it's come to pass that most didn't "get it" and it's scaring the crap out of me. . .

it's scaring the crap out of me, too. then again we're a nation which bestows high raings to FOX news and their certain talk shows, and elects a person with no clue as the president. i'm scared crap-less.


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SO Does anyone really know what happened?

I read every post and no one really knows.

As far as I know, he did do a tandem, had a line over/tension knot and then the TM cutaway then had a line over/tension knot on the reserve. It cleared close to the ground.

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