
Packing Help

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I was wondering if I could fish for some tips from you experienced jumpers/packers. I recently bought an infinity rig from someone who was recently married (married......ahhhhhhh; that word sends shivers down my spine!) Anyway, I got the entire system for $1,500. The only problem is the main is a brand new Falcon 230, yes I know it's big but I only have 37 jumps and my exit weight is 220 so back up off me. The damn canopy basically explodes open almost every time I jump. I know canopies made from F-111 material have a tendency to open faster but damn....there has got to be a way to slow the openings just a tad. I really didn't want to take the system but I couldn't beat the price. The main, reserve, and cypress are all new, so you can see that I saved a lot of money. I have had multiple riggers from Skydive Orange and Skydive Dallas show me tricks and nothing seems to really work. Someone please help me before my...well, you know, falls off during one of my future jumps from the hard ass openings.

The Original Cabana Boy!

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Well, you may have wanted to post this in G&R, but before you do, do a search for hard openings. It mainly revolves around Sabres, BUT there are good informative posts in there for ya. Involving packing techniques, then slider modifications.

Since you're a low time jumper, I'd probably point at the packing techniques first, since I bet you're not packing it very well yet.;)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Believe me, when I first started packing it, it would almost knock the wind out of me. I've gotten better with it but it's not just me. Even the three different riggers that I've had pack it haven't been able to significantly slow it down. I am beginning to think that I will just have to get used to it. When I was packing the student rigs I used from Skydive Orange, I had wonderful openings but all of their student rigs are made from Zero-P. Maybe it seems like openings are hard because my first 28 jumps were with canopies made from zero-P. Like I said before though, I would appreciate any advice.

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I only know what I was taught to do on my PD 9-cell (similar to a falcon). No idea if it's recommended on a falcon so definitely ask a rigger first (and you probably already know this anyway). I always pulled the entire slider out the nose instead of quartering it between the risers. That helped a bit..openings were brisk but not usually very hard.

Since you saved so much money on the rig, you might want to try to sell the main and just buy something else. You could find a used ZP canopy for a good price.

I didn't learn what a snivel was until I demoed a sabre2 for my 100th jump.


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I know canopies made from F-111 material have a tendency to open faster

Not necessarily so. Ask someone who used to jump a Unit!;) (hmm of course it would be right in style now for slow opening.) Newer model canopies, which happen to be ZP, are designed to open slower. Too slow in my opinion. But there are plenty of ZP canopies that open fast, and some non zp caonpies that open slow. This opinion may have been formed because most non zp canopies were designed when we didn't want them to snivel for 1000'.:P

Also, your idea of exploding may be a "normal", "slow" opening for that canopy.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Also, your idea of exploding may be a "normal", "slow" opening for that canopy.

A couple of riggers have told me the same thing. They basically said that either I should get a zp canopy or take my panties off and deal with it.....:S

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't open so hard that I am going to get injured. I just got used to the soft ass openings from the student rigs I was using. On a more positive note, I have increased my gym time because of this canopy. I figured if I was going to jump a canopy that opened with the force of a car wreck, I'd better ensure my body was ready to take the repeated abuse.

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I love Falcons. Has anyone showed you how to roll the four cells on either side of the center cell tightly and then stuff the rolled cells about 4-6 inches into their respective sides of the exposed center cell?
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I love Falcons. Has anyone showed you how to roll the four cells on either side of the center cell tightly and then stuff the rolled cells about 4-6 inches into their respective sides of the exposed center cell?

I had a rigger at skydive dallas show me that trick this past sunday (19 Dec). Honestly, that was one of the hardest openings I've had so far. The one thing that I have found that slows it down a little is to shove the nose into the canopy before wrapping the tail. More than likely, after a few more jumps I will probably get used to it and it won't seem so dramatic.

The Original Cabana Boy!

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There was a thread in G&R, a couple of months ago, about packing Falcons. I put a half dozen jumps or so on mine, then bought another canopy. The Falcon was designed to open fast. It is also TSO'd as a reserve. You can manage it some of the time, but I doubt that an inexperienced packer can consistently tame a Falcon.

Edited to add that when inproperly packed the opening on a Falcon can injure you. I've definitely had the bruises to prove it. Of course the Falcon opened like a dream compared to the MT-1X that gave me a hernia this summer.

BTW, I have a Falcon for sale.

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I love Falcons. Has anyone showed you how to roll the four cells on either side of the center cell tightly and then stuff the rolled cells about 4-6 inches into their respective sides of the exposed center cell?

I had a rigger at skydive dallas show me that trick this past sunday (19 Dec). Honestly, that was one of the hardest openings I've had so far. The one thing that I have found that slows it down a little is to shove the nose into the canopy before wrapping the tail. More than likely, after a few more jumps I will probably get used to it and it won't seem so dramatic.

Pushing the nose in helps hid it behind the slider, in theory. Did you try rolling each side to the middle, putting it in the center cell (DON'T do this with a shaped leading edge, it may never come out!), AND pushing it in? Also be sure that the slider is all the way up against the stops and stays there during bagging.

It ain't a car wreck, it's a parachute opening.:P Of course I decided not to get a Spectre because it opened too slow. And I'm an inch shorter than I used to be.;)

I swear, everyone's becoming a weeny!:S People that started after we went to ram airs for students have told be that they wouldn't have started under rounds. Now it'll be people saying they wouldn't of started under Non zp. Or under an original Sabre.>:(;) Okay, so I'm a curmudgeon.>:(>:(>:(
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Try flat packing and roll the shit out of the nose (tight) all the way to the "A" lines. Keep the rest of the pack job tight and do the thing with the slider attached to the tail by a rubber band.

Old gear old way to pack. talk with a old rigger.


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I always flat packed my Falcons 235's and two 265's they always opened fast and softly, from flat packing..at WFFC I'd sometime have a packer pack them pro pack.. and boy do they open fast when that way..I prefer to flat pack them..I'm trying figure out how flat pack my new Firebolt 218..it's elipical.. but with one hand I DON'T LIKE to pro-pack. (i'm left arm ampitee)

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i had and still have a falcon 175.it opened real fast too.get a bridle extention and learn to psyco pack it.count the cells.flake the stabs.bring the tail around and lay it down on the ground putting a half twist in it.basically laying it on its back.roll the nose and then roll the shit out of the tail.i mean roll the tail tight.fold it in thirds right left or left right and roll it like a sleeping bag.i double wrap the stows too to slow it down some too.good luck man.

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