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I am dating a non-skydiving chick....but she is always out at Orange with me, so does that count?
LOL! What's up Rob! No, that doesn't count. She is an honorary skydiver because she shows her boobs! Mine is finally starting to come around. She just needs a little more mentoring and her boobs will become a regular part of the bonfire activities.
Has anyone been jumping since the Ice Age started? I went to Skydive Dallas this last weekend and got a few jumps in. Man, I was overwhelmed with that place. Their facilities were sick. It was cool place. Plus, it was 65 degrees, windy as hell but warm.
The Original Cabana Boy!
LOL! What's up Rob! No, that doesn't count. She is an honorary skydiver because she shows her boobs! Mine is finally starting to come around. She just needs a little more mentoring and her boobs will become a regular part of the bonfire activities.
I would consider her more an honorary skydiver cause she has made 7 jumps and been around Orange for 12 years.
Plus, anyone can show their boobs

Plus, anyone can show their boobs

Oh, I had no idea she had jumped before or that she had been around the dz for 12 years.....DAMN! Hell, I just assumed she had followed you out there.
Do you know if Orange is open next Sunday (2 Jan)?
The Original Cabana Boy!
I just started jumping in Aug of this year; 37 jumps to date. Since then, I have basically been completely consumed with this sport (I hope this is normal). Before I started jumping, I was dating a beautiful S. American girl that would make any mans mouth water. Needless to say, we are no longer together. Why you ask....well, number 1 she doesn't jump. Number 2, she didn't want me to skydive and she did not like/trust other skydivers. She referred to them as a bunch of vulgar idiots with a death wish (most of the jumpers I know took that as a compliment). Now I am seeing a skydiving chick. Are any of you out there happily involved with a non skydiving partner. If so, could you please share with all of us how you have managed to keep it going. Honestly, I don't know if I would ever want to date a chick that didn't jump. I must admit, chicks that skydive are f*!$ing hot/wild! God bless all of you gravity girls!!!!!
eh, someone would have tried to steal her from you while you were in the plane anyhow. There is a reason for the cliche "you didn't get dumped, you just lost your turn."
Like others said - not a big deal to date a whuffo if they have a strong active life of their own already. Plus with less than 1/3 of those in the sport being women, your options are limited. If she is open minded she will want to see what that part of your life is all about.
It's normal to be consumed early on in the sport and annoy all of your friends with skydiving talk. We all did it. You quickly get attached to new friends in this sport because they can relate to you and understand where you are at. However, to really last it beyond the typical three years you need to make skydiving a part of your life, not all of it. I feel sorry for those jumpers that have nothing else to do on a bad weather day. I have kept a strong group of whuffo friends since my first jump, and I tend to see and hear from them more than I do my jump friends.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....
Adrock 0
LOL!!!!! Wow, it's amazing how skydivers quote the same sh!t. That is exactly what I was told to do. One of the girls at my dropzone asked me if I had a girl friend and if she jumped. When I told her no, she would always walk past me a make the cut away motion. It took my slow ass an entire week to figure out what the hell whe was doing. When the moons aligned and everything clicked, I spent about a half an hour laughing my ass off. OMG do I love this sport!

Haven't seen you around the DZ for a couple of weeks, Jason....I'm heading to KS today, so I'll see you next year!

Haven't seen you around the DZ for a couple of weeks, Jason....I'm heading to KS today, so I'll see you next year!
There she is, the one that told me to cut away. Isn't it funny how I told you that would never happen to me. What did I know.....damn AFF students

The Original Cabana Boy!
skymama 37
My wuffo boyfriend loves the fact that I have somewhere I want to go on the weekends because he wants to go off and do his own thing too! He isn't jealous of the attention I get at the dz because he trusts me. He encourages me to milk the attention to see how much free beer I can get.

because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon
ChrisL 2
Thats ok with me. Seems to be ok with her too.
She says "Just make sure that you come home, and dont flirt with the skydiving hotties"
Well, I always come home. ;-)
My mighty steed
"you didn't get dumped, you just lost your turn."
I'm stealing that!![]()
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
No other comment, I just had to laugh!
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