
Marriage and E-mail?

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I think you are very insecure about your relationship

True :Pbut when he logs in to his e-mail I have to turn my head so I will not see his password.

Its not a really big deal its just something in the back of my head.
I found a list of girls he plays an online game with and I trust they are only playing a game. Even though the names and towns are listed.
I was just thinking about the subject today and wanted to see what others thought. I think Im wrong to be upset and he has a right to play and E-mail whoever where ever but he best know who he is talking to, one never knows.If you meet someone on the internet they may not be what you think. :S

My trust is given to him entirely but I should keep up my gaurd or keep my gaurd up, however that quote goes:$

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but when he logs in to his e-mail I have to turn my head so I will not see his password.

I always turn my head when someone (including my husband) types in a password - just because it seems like the polite thing to do.


Its not a really big deal its just something in the back of my head. I found a list of girls he plays an online game with and I trust they are only playing a game. Even though the names and towns are listed.

It sounds like you should probably talk to your husband about this. If you think he is flirting online and that upsets you, then you should let him know that and he should respect your feelings. (Or if it doesn't bother you because he's just playing games, maybe telling him that would make him feel more comfortable letting you see what he is doing online???)

I flirt online, but I am 100% honest about that with my husband and he doesn't mind... And I don't mind if he flirts either... (Actually, it seems like it's a good thing for our relationship!)... But I think what is most important is communication, honesty, and respect for your partner - and of course trust (but without the other three things I listed, trust is pretty difficult to have).

Ugh... It's not always as easy as it sounds though. :S;) Good luck! :)

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Jealousy is in the top 5 wasted emotions known to mankind according to Albert Einstein. Do what ya gotta, whomever doesn't like it....humph....well

Take Care, Good To See You Back. Happy Holidays, God Bless you and your family throughout these holiday seasons. Stay in touch!
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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I agree, no problem with having separate e-mail accounts. Do you trust your husband well enough to not go into the account. Does your husband trust you enough not to read your stuff?

you've been chatting with the prior T haven't you? you know, the one you put on my Christmas card? She actually sat down and figured out my password to my email while I was on one of my trips home. With my account, I used to get a ton of spam. She took the adult spam at face value that 'something' was going on. I actually had a semi civil lunch with her when I was in town last week. you would not believe some of the stuff I apparently did. :S
If I would have done half of it, I would have had an awesome time... ;)

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Sharing email is more like sharing private phone conversations than like sharing snail mail.

Personally, I have absolutely nothing to hide, and since my boyfriend runs the email server, he could read my email if he wanted. He says he doesn't. I believe him. I wouldn't have a problem sharing most of my inbox if asked, though I'd wonder what prompted the request. I wouldn't share anything that a friend wrote me that was personal for them, or that they asked me to keep in confidence.

One problem I see with sharing email: Sometimes, a friend emails me about whatever happens to be going on in their lives. Sometimes they want advice, sometimes just someone to listen, but regardless, they directed their message to me, not a third party, no matter how close I may be to that third party. I wouldn't break a friend's confidence with something they've told me over the phone. Why would I do so with email?

I guess what it comes down to is you either trust someone or you don't. If you trust them, you have no need to read their email, eavesdrop on their phone conversations, or listen to their voice mail. If you don't trust them, you shouldn't be with them in the first place.

It wouldn't occur to me to ask my boyfriend if I could read his email. I trust him. That's enough.

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If you go looking for trouble then chances are that you will find it. Take it from me, I nearly trashed a great realationship b/c jealousy reared its ugly head. Now, a while later and all the wiser, I try to be more open-minded and trusting.

I don't snoop b/c you may find something that while it is innocent...a jealous mind could turn a molehill into a mountain out of it.

You don't ask to listen in on his phone conversations (I hope) so there should be no need to read his personal emails. Closeness in a relationship is essential however, personal space is just as important. Everyone needs a little bit of the world to call their own...even committed couples. Relax.

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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Simple respect for each other and each others' privacy. No, I don't think it's inportant for two married people to have access to each others' email. We've been married for five years and together for seven. It's really not a big deal to us. I don't understand why it should be to anyone. Never been an issue, not even close.

Sharon and I have our separate email accounts and passwords, and ne'er the twain shall meet.

I kinda look at email like regular mail - There is stuff either of us can open, such as the utility bills or the bank or credit card statements. Then there is stuff adressed specifically to her or myself, which we don't open, mindful of each others privacy.

Email I feel is personal, I have my accounts and she hers. I have no desire to snoop through her email and she has never indicated a desire to look at mine. If I get something I think she should look at it I'll forward it to her or call her over to the machine and ask her to scope it out. I have no desire to read what she says about me to her friends, or what her horoscope is, or whatever. She could care less what kind of drivel I share with my friends, or how many companies are tryin to sell me Viagra, or the latest deals on parts for my Harley.

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My wife and I share email at home.

If I have something I don't want her to see, usually receipt and shipping information for a gift I have bought her, I send it here to my DZ.com email account. She knows my password here, but it's very unliely she would check it.

I have lots of email accounts for various purposes, some of which she doesn't have access to. She knows it and doesn't really care. I have one at work, one for travelling, and a webmail address for traffic with my online college courses. She has one as well, at work. I know her password there but never check it - it's all for her! :S
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It's a catch 22 situation.

If A refuses to let B have their password they could be accused of trying to keep secrets from their SO.

If B demands A's password they don't trust their SO enough in the first place.

Exactly. Either way, there's something else wrong with the relationship if something like this becomes an issue.

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Please have your husband contact me. He apparently lost his man manual. Either that or has gone completely insane

LOL I don't even know how much I make PK. I remember having to call about some 401K stuff and I had to ask my wife the answer to all my security questions (except my SS #) as they were financial related. I let the wife handle all the financial stuff. She's way better and more organized at it than I am.

I bet that just made your blood curl :ph34r::ph34r:

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It's kinda like how one of us leaves the bathroom while the other pees. We're close enough that we are comfortable sharing all our secrets, but at the same time we're ALSO close enough that we don't NEED to know each other's secrets.

Ummm, we don't do that. Neither of us really gives a damn if the other pees in front of them.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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