
WHO do you find sexy? & why.

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Oops I nearly forgot, My WIFE, 'cause She rocks on ALL levels:)Cora (Ladyskydiver) well just check her out it's self explanatory
Lisa (Mouth) Her voice is like honey:$
Rosa, exotic looks ALWAYS float my boat
ME, I'm just a sexy BEAST;)

If you don't dig you why should anyone else ;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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I met somone that I thought was very nice. Does some jumping and I see her once in a while, when I go to her DZ.
SHe has a great smile, she is cute. She happenes to also be chesty and enjoy a red coloring to her hair at times. Besides thinking of her wearing just baby oil and a smile. I think she has a really "sexy potential" to her. I don't think she know how much charisma she really has.
I was wondering what draws people to a point of attraction (even if it came as a secondary thing).:)p.s.
I have never told her of my thoughts[:/] yep, still a chiken at 37.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I was wondering what draws people to a point of attraction (even if it came as a secondary thing).:)

I ALWAYS wonder the same thing!!!
For me, if attraction is the primary thing when I meet or see a person, I am so shy that I can barely speak to him.
But usually it comes second, so then I get weirded out when I talk to him. And I almost always act like a complete fool at one point or another.

One of the reasons I find for this secondary attraction thing is that usually a friend puts the idea in my head.
Damn it Jessi! haha


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The person I mentioned is short. Jeanne is awesome . I jumped with her at the World Cup Speed Skydiving meet in Jumptown, Mass.
The Little one I speak of is DzDiva. (well crap..there, I said it) It's late at night...she'll never see this.;)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I find a lot of people (males and females) sexy...however...at the top of my list is a certain Speaker's Corner Usual Suspect by the name of Kennedy...he's got an awesome butt...that I like to squeeze often...He's also quick on the draw when it comes to debates and arguments...and no offense...but it kinda turns me on...:)...

~R+R>:(...Must save evil thoughts for later...Must save evil thoughts for later...Must save evil thoughts for later...:ph34r:...
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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A fellow skydiver... mmm he's got the kindest eyes and the sweetest smile.

I also act like a real fool around him, he's a fair amount older than me and he calls me "kid".

Don't think I can get him to take me seriously?

He makes my butterflies in my tummy fly around like mad things.

I just feel really silly around him, in fact I feel silly writing this post.

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Sexy. . .mmmmm, I think everyone's ideas of what is sexy is so different. I like that because it gives us our uniqueness. There is this one guy who is a skydiver and was on my 10-way team. I am really attracted to him. . .then there is this awesome looking guy who is such a sweetheart. He used to be a tm at our dz but then moved away. Course, he is WAY too young for me but I find him sexy nonetheless. . .different reasons than the first though. Hmmmmm, I could go on but I would probably give myself away too much. . .

Okay, now I need a cold shower. . .damn
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Morgan is the sexiest women I've ever seen in my life.

I'm not a big fan of movie stars/rock stars, they seem so fake. Too much makeup and trying too hard. Give me a normal girl wearing little to no makeup, jeans, t-shirt and ponytail. That's serious sex appeal! If they don't want to wear jeans, t-shirt, etc, wear what they feel the most comfortable in. That's what I like to see.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I think the image that Trent Reznor (from NIN) portrays is extremely sexy. I have no idea if he would be that sexy in "real life"... so I would probably prefer to leave that to my imagination. (Mmm, he sure looks nice in that blindfold and those rubber gloves, with his hands handcuffed above him!)

And of course I find my husband (Richard) to be quite sexy... He knows all the right things to do to make me "happy"... ;) And we just have so much fun together - like two little unsupervised teenagers living all alone. :ph34r:

And I think RoadRash is sexy... She seems like a lot of fun. ;)>:(:)

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hmm, I'm all for Mel Gibson ( in his early years--20yrs.old)
I like the "tall, dark, and handsome" strong man, w/ a deep voice, facial hair, nice muscular arms...ah! :)

That being said, I usually won't even look at guys that are the opposite of what I think I want and like, but I have definitely found some other types sexy as well.;)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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It used to be that I found anyone with good looks sexy. Then I grew a bit and my tastes refined, and I started thinking only the really hot ones were sexy. I then aged a bit more, and decided that the eyes were what made people sexy, not the overall looks. A little older yet, and I found that the mind is what really made a person sexy.

Well, that changed too. Minds can be way to easy to mess with, both in giving and receiving, so even those that seem the hottest often turn out to be nothing but fakes.

It was at this point when I finally figured out who was the sexiest, hottest, coolest, funnest, ect. It is me! How do I know that? Because if you don't think that you are the funnesy, coolest, or sexiest, ect, jealousy will just make you bitter.

Love yourself, and everyone else becomes sexy!

Well, everyone but Remi.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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