
My Awesome Wife SFW

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For all you pervs, no there are no pics. She threw something at me night before last as we were leaving my Dept Christmas party that I wanted to share. For almost five years I have been wanting to go to WFFC, even before we were married, but other things have come up. Even this year, with house payments, car payments and all the other odds and ends that I put before my second love so that I can give my first love the life/home that I promised, I had decided that I would be in Rantoul only in spirit and the website. But last Thusday night I was told that I was going, no matter what, that the renovations on the house could wait and that I had done enough for everyone else, now it was time for me to hold back some money and go. Now this may not be a big deal to a lot of you out there that are better off then we are, but let me remind you that I am a firefighter and she is a nurse, both good careers, but neither of us will ever be rich. It meant a lot to me that she has been thinking about this for a month or so and worried about me, enough that I wanted to share. Alas, I will probably break her heart, since I know as well as anyone else that responsiblities don't take a weak off and I have never been one to shirk my duties. But until that nasty beast rears its head, is any one in South Carolina going and would like to split gas?

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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We'll find a way to get you there-I don't know if I'll drive up or not. I may do like last year and go straight from the Oshkosh air show, but if I come home-you're welcome to ride with me. If not, I know enough people driving up that we can get you a ride.
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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I was told that I was going

That is great news. You will have a lot of fun.


is any one in South Carolina going and would like to split gas?

It might be kind of early to get people to commit to a ride share, and this post will surly be lost by the time WFFC comes around. But I'm sure come Summer when the WFFC is closer, if you post again, you might find someone that is heading that way. In the mean time, there are two articles one written by Bill Von Novak and one written by Gary Peek that you might find some great information. Also there are plenty of people that post here that have been attending for years and years, and if you have any questions just ask.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I don't want to, but there are a lot of things in this world that I want to do but can't in good conscience, the thing is I want to but if things don't change around here in the next few months and I was to go how guilty would I feel, about being there and not using the funds/time to improve things here

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Dude, got to the wffc, even if only for a few days and even if you only get to do it once, it's a great experience. But even if you don't get to go for a few more years,......keep that wife of yours, she does sound awesome.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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Sounds like you have an awesome wife!! I'll be there for most of it next year. Looking forward to meeting you and jumping with you also.

This past WFFC was my first, and all i have to say is OMFG how awesome.

Ask Flyangel2, For the first 4 hours i think only 2 words came out of my mouth "WOW!" and "BEER" :)

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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If there is one..........:S

What memo did you get that wasn't shared with me? The dates for the WFFC 2005 are:
August 5 - 14

was it true that there was a HUGE drop in attendance between 2003-2004? My g/f who has been to many of the conventions said that this years convention was nothing compared to years past.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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was it true that there was a HUGE drop in attendance between 2003-2004? My g/f who has been to many of the conventions said that this years convention was nothing compared to years past.

Whoops...I completely forgot to ask for the numbers. I'll see what I can get this week. Here are the numbers so far though since we got to Rantoul:

2946 Skydivers - 2003
2562 Skydivers - 2002

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If there is one..........:S

What memo did you get that wasn't shared with me? The dates for the WFFC 2005 are:
August 5 - 14

errrr I don't think he's talking about the WFFC he was married at least once .....Maybe Befor the sheep.

FWIW I lucked out and have a awesome SO. :)

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If you're generally a responsibly guy and aren't in the habit of blowing your time and cash, then you need to do this kind of thing every once in a while. Life's too short, man. And your wife WANTS you to do it. She loves you and it will give her happiness and satisfaction to see you take advantage of the opportunity. Do it for her and do it for yourself. If you're not a slacker than you deserve to treat yourself on occasion. Every one does.

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just ask Taylor610, he knows her to she is awesome and loves and respects this sprot

Sprot...had to much to drink there dude...:$

Yeah, your wife is an awesome lady, I mean I don't know why I ever quit dating her...;)(I mean you soooo asked for that...:P)

That is a pretty sweet deal bro...

(NO I never dated his wife, we always kept it casual...:))

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