
Vacation Days

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21 currently + one floating holiday and 8 scheduled holidays.

Goes up to 26 in April (after 3 years with the company).

Not bad but not enough for me!
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30, but the weekends count as days wheni take them..... i'de be happy with like 20 as long as the weekends didn't count....... taking friday and monday off shouldn't have to count as 4 days...:-( oh well.....

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How many do you get per year? Not including sick days.

I used to get 36 + 10 sick days. Plus federal holidays that the stock market is closed (7 if memory serves). I quit, moved half way across the country. And everytime I chat with my old boss he simply tells me "just be friggin glad you don't work here anymore. It really sucks."

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15 vacation days plus 5 sick days plus holidays, and we have 1 floater.

We get two weeks initially, the we get another week (five days) every five years with the company. I've already used up much of my time for 2005 with this injury.

We can also arrange to take unpaid time off up to 30 days.

We have short-term disablilty that kicks in after 15 days, and we get one week for each year of service. I'm good until mid February.

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30 days weekends don't count.
About 8 holidays in Germany for everyone, depending on wich state you live in.
I don't think there is a real limit for sick days except if it geats really long. If you get sick during your vacaction, vacation days don't count, but nobody i know really uses this possibility.


total days of possible vacation (overhours + vacation): 66days
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15 + 3 floating holidays

I'm carrying over 15 days this year into next year, so I'll have 30 vacation days next year + 3 floating holidays. :)

Plus normal US holidays (4th of July, thanksgiving, x-mas, ect.) which come out to 9 days, although some years they give us an extra day or 2 during christmas week.

As for sick days since I'm on salary, it's up to manager discretion how many you can take.
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15 vacation days, plus about 10 statutory holidays, a personal day, a volunteer day, and 15 sick days. 3 more years and the vacation adn sick days go to 20 of each. you can save your sick days and retire a year or two early. B| just get a doctor's note and tell him you need the stress leave.
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