
Were your parents crazy too ?

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Dad used to cycle a lot and listen to The Beatles.
Mom... errr... she's extreme, she broke a knee skiing when she was around 25... That's the last time she did any sport I think... Besides walking our X-Treme dog...(a Yorkshire Terrier)

My godfather he was a paratrooper in the french army, went to Indochina and Algeria...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I'm the 3rd generation skydiver in my family...

Dad- started keeping track again after 20+ yrs. of jumping and his new log book has over 1,000 jumps

Mother- 800 something?

Uncle Lyle- God only knows.. he was also the owner/pilot of titusville many years ago

Uncle Mike- about 1,000 more than my dad.. whatever that could be

Uncle Johnny-probably 900 or so

So.... Theres the goodin family skydiving tree! I guess that would fit the crazy parents/family!
If life gives you lemons then make lemonade, if not then go thirsty and keep on truckin'

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:D Can't speak for my blood father as I've never met him. Mom's not too adventurous although she encourages me to be so - even though it scares her at times. :D My dad wasn't that adventurous either and when he was alive would be the one keeping mom calm until she got the call that I was ok and that all was well. B|
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not mine. despite being in his twenties during the hippie era (65 - 75), he chose to get married, have a kid or three and run off to toronto. i don't remember him doing much just to entertain himself. he turns 60 next year, but he's acted that age for as long as i can remember. there must be a crazy gene somewhere though, my brother has tried a lot of silly things and lived through them all, skydiving is on his list for this summer, and one of my sisters wants to try it as well...
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
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My folks weren't physical-danger-risky, but they moved to Brazil a couple of times, and took refugees into their home for extended periods a couple of times as well. Given how much either of those can disrupt your life, well, that's risky.

My grandmother was a reporter who moved to the US in her 20's to teach Swedish in Texas (she later left); my grandfather went to the Antarctic with the Amundsen expedition (stayed with the base camp).

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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