
Were your parents crazy too ?

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Yes..........my Dad has 65 jumps and a B license. Back in the day when sex was safe and skydiving was dangerous. His last jump was in 1965. He was also a commercial pilot for 42 years. Had a few motorcycles and fast cars as well. I have just bumped it up a notch. If there is danger I seem to find it. B|

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My mom definitely was not. My dad however... had motorcycles, went to Vietnam and made jumps on "altered" parachutes to see what worked and what didn't - for the fun of it - and later made about 40 jumps once I started in 1994. From what I have heard from my grandmother and uncles about my dad when he was younger... well, it's amazing that he survived! :S :D :D I definitely got my genes from him!! :P

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made jumps on "altered" parachutes to see what worked and what didn't

I got a particular laugh about him telling me of how they cut panels out of the back of military surplus rounds to get forward drive. With a pocket knife and then burned the edges with a match. :D I'm glad someone bothered to invent a hot knife. :D

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My Mom always tells me that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. We are both free spirits. My Mom dropped out of high school and ran away from home at age 17 with her guitar and her backpack, headed to NYC to become a rock star. She had a dream and she chased it. Her whole life has been a big success for one reason - she's willing to go out on a limb and take a risk to get where she wants to go.

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Unfortunately not. My parents were pretty straight-laced. OMG, my mother was such a bitch and I was growing up to be worse than her (if that's possible).

I took my first jump in 2001. Now my folks look me and wonder, "Who are you and where is our real daughter?"

*I skydive....lots! (I specialize in CRW).
*I drive fast (in fact, I got a speeding ticket taking my 16 year old to go and get her driver's license).
*I wanna' drive a race car (I recently got to do virtual reality racing).
*I have an awesome 30 year old playtoy (I'm 44).
*I listen to alternative music (loud).
*I play Texas Hold 'em nightly in tournaments (I make the top 150 every 3 weeks).
*I've even given serious thought to having my tongue pierced (or some other place).

My daughter told me I was a rebel. That, to me, is the greatest compliment she could ever pay me.

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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My Mom is straight laced, and I'm definitely the black sheep among my brother and sisters. (And I have some strange siblings-)

My dad was a bit of a rebel in his youth, after leaving the Army at the end of WW II, he rode all over the country on an Indian motorcycle for a while and eventually settled down after getting all that out of his system.

Before leaving the Army, however, he flew from Hawaii to the mainland as a waist gunner on a bomber. (I can't remember which model-) It was the only ride he could get. He loved it and tried to enlist the the Air Corps, but due to sinus problems he couldn't pass the physical. So he purchased the bike and started riding for a while.

So I guess I get my "rebel" streak from Dad. When I decided to join the military, he encouraged the Air Force.

Easy Does It

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My mom wasn't, but my dad definitely was (though you'd never think it if you met him, he's so conservative now). My dad did some crazy sh*t as a kid/teen/young adult. One of my favorite stories was how he totalled my grandfather's TR3 the first day he had it, then hid in a hotel for fear of getting killed. My uncle would tell the story of following the skid marks, which turned into auto parts, which turned into a blood trail, leading to a room at a motel. Nuts!B|:S
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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My dad has traveled all over the world, but I've never thought of him as crazy, just adventurous.

Now my Grandma's another story. She was a Can-Can dancer in San Francisco around the time of World War I. She probably still holds the crown in our family's recent history for being "crazy"

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My dad was a pilot and had a Cessna (172?) when I was a little kid. He used to pick up me and my sister in it and fly us to and from his house (my parents were divorced). I liked the flying, but I used to stare out the window and wish I could be out in the clouds. He would also take us to airshows and that is where I met my first skydiver - she told me all about skydiving and I remember thinking how cool it was that she actually got to be out in the clouds... So yeah, I guess my dad had a pretty big part in influencing my desire to skydive. He also had a sort of crazy life when he was younger, so I guess I inherited that part of his personality too.

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Both my parents were very free spirited- they were the definition of hippies. They followed thier dreams and are better people because of it. However, when it comes to me skydiving, they think I am crazy and I have no idea where I picked up that gene.

Orfun #21... thanks PsychoBob!

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Definitely not from my father's side; he told me so.
My maternal grandfather became a pilot (for fun) in the 30's and I think, few until the 60's.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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My dad, yes . My mom was definately not. My Dad used to take me to the drop zone every weekend I was with him ( they were divorced) he also rides Harleys and used to play Ice hockey, inline hockey, and soccer. He also is a pilot and has done Base. He'll try just about anything he thinks might be fun. My mom won't even get on a bike. So I musta got it all from him since I have done just about everything he has done.

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Turns out that my Dad was a free spirit until he married my mom.He used to jump rounds at Taft dz. he had 2 motorcycles and he also flew. My mom is the biggest pansey in the world. She doesn't do anything wild or dangrerous. Oh well now is is my turn to be wild and crazy.
Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.

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When I did my first jump in 73 the first jump class consisted of, my father, and one of my uncles from my mother's side.
Most of those maternal uncles led adventurous lives untill they "settled down"
Makes me wonder how my kids will turn out. I met thier mother (ex wife) when I was intsrtucting in the eighties and took her up for a static line jump, both she and I have always been willing to try out different things, both love motorbikes, both drive to fast, etc. etc.
Watch my video Fat Women

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Hell no... my parents were pretty straight laced, at least in the early days. Dad was a nerdy chemical engineer who graduated in the top 5% from Vanderbilt University and always had the TV on to the public TV channel, and mom was this pretty, but very skinny thing with straight-laced parents of her own... she had an 18" waist and was 5'-6" tall...

Well... nowadays they've loosened up some and have been enjoying the retirement life and traveling. They're okay now... I can tell them almost anything without them dropping their jaws or fainting... ;)

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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my parents were hippies and in that way were definately free spirited :P my dad broke his neck diving off a bridge into murkey water, and walked home afterwards. he used to make home made bombs, one of which blew up in his hand, and his fingers are all a little shorter on that hand :S

he used to do all sorts of crazy shit, but the thing is theres NO WAY you would get him to jump out of a plane without puttin a gun to his head!

funny that...

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Nope, my parents were so risk adverse that they would drive instead of fly ANYWHERE. Makes me think my mom was more kinky than she let on. There's no way I'm the product of both my parents.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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