
don't forget to watch the history channel at 4 today

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It was very well done . . . it was great to see the folks on the production floor at PD & RWS getting some exposure. I know they and their families had fun watching.

The Tandem Instructor did a great job standing up the rather large and compact host.

Nice to see a piece like that come out.
Arrive Safely


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The Tandem Instructor did a great job standing up the rather large and compact host.

yea, great job, great exposure like you said for pd and rws..........but i know the few times i've been to deland i haven't seen booth out catching tandems......is that his new career :P.


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I saw the show. I found it to be a great informational program about parachutes and quality control with the production. It was also nice to see Bill Booth getting some good exposure and explaining to any whuffo out there how the modern deployment system works.

I like the informational aspect of it, and I hope to get my wife to watch it when it replays.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I missed about 8-10 seconds in the beginning setting up the tape, (thought that it was 4:00 EST and thought that I missed it and got home from shopping and it was just starting) but I have the rest of the show.

I can burn it to a DVD or VHS and bring it over the the boogie in Eloy if you are going to be there. My husband and I are going to go over and get AFF/ASP since he is on vacation the whole week.


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Ari was the head down flier for a minute there in the special. I hope my parents watched it too. I taped it but how cool is it that my bf was rockin it out on the History channel?!?!?! Among all the other people that I knew on the video, which was just about all of them. Pedro, tandem master, is a super cool guy and he did a great job with the host.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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but how cool is it that my bf was rockin it out on the History channel?!?!?!

You mean he can fly in the air and not just the tunnel?! :P Seriously, that is very cool paigey poo. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I missed about 8-10 seconds in the beginning setting up the tape, (thought that it was 4:00 EST and thought that I missed it and got home from shopping and it was just starting) but I have the rest of the show.

I can burn it to a DVD or VHS and bring it over the the boogie in Eloy if you are going to be there. My husband and I are going to go over and get AFF/ASP since he is on vacation the whole week.

Ugh...I am not going to Eloy or to any holiday boogie this year. Thank you for the offer, though.

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