
Skydiving Motivational Posters!! MAKE YOUR OWN!!!

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I have this great idea. No really, this is an awsome Idea. I'll make Millions.

I was at my old elementary school, and as I looked into each room, I saw that every single teacher had their walls COVERED with sappy motivational posters. I think they made this little kids work harder and cry less.

So I had this idea to make sappy Skydiving Motivational Posters!! We could put them on the walls of the DZ, and just by looking at them, they will make people want to jump more and do stupid stuff less!! Dropzones will increase their business, and I'll make a million dollars. We gotta keep this just between you & me, I don't want anybody to know about my plan, or else I'll have some competition early in the Market..

Here are the Prototypes.... How about some Feedback!!

=========Shaun ==========

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Sorry I swear I do not mean to place a serious response in this thread. The Australian Parachute Federation released a number of posters for dropzones to use. If you go to their site under "services" then "publications". Some of them are plain funny and you can tell some are intended for whuffo's. I have included a direct link to my favorite below.

APF site

Parachute landing area

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