
Angel Crack

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Following the thread I posted in Ginseng, just found a new discovery, stumbled on a mixture that really kicked ass. No kidding, this is the stuff.

Anyone who want to try it give me some feedback.

Angel Crack:)

You need a can of Sobes' Adrenaline Rush, comes in a black can, sold by AMPM stores (dont know about 7-11), most liquor stores sell.

Also, teabags containing the powdered form of the American Ginseng Root.

Heat this stuff up to about the temperature of a hot cup of coffee, then drop in a teabag for about 30 seconds.

Take this stuff in the morning, and it will keep you up most of the night.

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did you ever think this mixture wasn't good for some peoples hearts?

Anyone with heart irregularities or blood pressure problems in their current or past health history should be very careful with drugs like caffeine, in whatever form it comes in; even "healthy herbal" seeming ones such as ginseng and green tea. They are drugs and should be monitored carefully and treated as such. No heartattacks please, we want you guys to stay healthy. ;)
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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ya i have a condition called SVT (super ventricular tacacardia) It normally triggered by stress. But if i drink to much caffeine it makes it go crazy. makes me feel very short of breath.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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ya i have a condition called SVT (super ventricular tacacardia) It normally triggered by stress. But if i drink to much caffeine it makes it go crazy. makes me feel very short of breath.

Ok...and you go skydiving??? Very good for stess...

There is not that much caffiene in Andrenaline I dont think, I believe its the other ingredients along with a small amount of caffiene that give you the kick.

The Ginseng Im talking about seems to have some sort of synergistic effect with it, you only need a very small amount even if youre groggy as hell.

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