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inside spooner. Any questions?

Unless you are tallguy's gf.. cuz I hear he likes to be inside spoon. :S

You gotta be outside spoon so you can get away with the hug and roll:P:D:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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inside spooner. Any questions?

Unless you are tallguy's gf.. cuz I hear he likes to be inside spoon. :S

That's not nice Chop Chop.

I don't have a girlfriend. (Note to single women: Did I mention I'll be at Eloy for the Holiday Boogie again this year)

But if I did...

You better bet your ass I'd make her be on the outside.

I still can't figure out what to do with the arm that isn't draped over the inside. Best to let her take care of it.

Who outed me?

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I'm always on the inside that way she gets a pleasant surprise in the morning.

dude, I can't imagine what pleasant surprise you could give her from the inside spoon position.. I can think of a very unpleasant one.. :S
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Who outed me?

an outside spooner that's very close to you.. ;)

How did the discussion of TGs sleeping preferences come up? :ph34r: If you just needed to know, that is ok. :)

The outer was very vocal about it.. just telling anyone that would listen.. :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Talk about sleeping with the enemy! Plaything how could you?!?!

:o ... Why does everybody always point their fingers at me? :S ... I'm so sweet and innocent...:|.... I don't even know what spooning means, is it some sort of dessert? :) .......:|
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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You better bet your ass I'd make her be on the outside.

Kev, I don't think it would qualify as spooning if the girl looks more like a kitten sleeping against a billboard. Amazon could outside spoon you, but Mouth could pretty much only lamprey your back.

As to the arms on the outside spoon; when laying on the right side, the outside spooners right arm is positioned under the head and jaw of the spoonee, with the spoonee's head comfortably resting on the bicep. The spooner's right arm reasurringly embracing the upper body of the spoonee with the spooner's right hand holding the spoonee's left breast. The spooner's left arm and hand are free to roam.

-Forfeiture clause:

The spooner's right arm is forfeit in the event of drunken beast spoonage. Upon awakening with a hideous beast in the spoonee position, spooner is to chew off the right arm without awakening drunken beast spoonee. It is recommended that chewing through the axillary, brachial, and deep brachial arteries is left for last, thus maximizing the possibility of escape.

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