
I lost the lottery :(

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It's very rare for me to ever buy a lottery ticket but for some reason last Friday I did. I was absolutely certain I'd win it. I even bought $5 worth! Can you believe out of all those numbers I didn't even get 1? NOT 1 SINGLE NUMBER!

I already had my speech all ready for my boss. I'd even promised a friend new gear if I won and she really needs it! I spent the weekend figuring out where I would travel first and what I'd bring with me. I'm so bummed. :(

I never win anything.

(this is purely a "poor me" post)


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I spent the weekend figuring out where I would travel first and what I'd bring with me.

you would come here to NC.....my house particularly...and not bring a thing.......not even a single piece of clothing
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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I won a small safe once. At a casino night thing about 20 years ago. The safe is in my garage. I have no idea what the combination is anymore and don't know what's in it.

I think I need to drill that safe and "win" whatever I thought was important enough to put in a safe 20 years ago.

You're better off without the millions, Shannon. The first time you checked into the Betty Ford Clinic a couple years down the road from winning you would remember us and miss us.

"Oh, those skydiver people I used to know. They were fun".


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Dude... if I had millions I wouldn't stop skydiving. I'd just skydive more and in more places!

As for the Betty Ford Clinic, I'd make sure I brought my good friends along with me for the whole ride so I wouldn't have to be lonely in there. B|


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Yeah, I guess. A good friend would check you in to the Betty Ford clinic.

A REALLY good friend would be forced into detox with you by court order.

Which reminds me. Where's my crack pipe?

Last time I saw it it was being passed to..... er I mean what crack pipe? :S:P


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I won a small safe once. At a casino night thing about 20 years ago. The safe is in my garage. I have no idea what the combination is anymore and don't know what's in it.

Better take it to Raeford and let he experts blow it u..., er, I mean open. >:(

I lost the lottery here in Florida two. I wonder how many other lottery losers there are on DZ.com? :(:D

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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I bought my first lottery ticket a month ago, and lost... horribly.
Funny stuff though, I walk in the kiosk and ask the clerk for a
lottery ticket, then I say, "OK, so how does this thing work...
what do I do?" and he gives me this "are you serious" look, at
which point I just wanted to get my ticket and leave.. so I did
the randomn drawing thing and lost.. I imagine I'll do it again
sometime... I was pretty sure that night was it for me... the
dissapointment was very dissapointing. I feel you GFD,
better luck next time :)

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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Yeah, I guess. A good friend would check you in to the Betty Ford clinic.

A REALLY good friend would be forced into detox with you by court order.

Which reminds me. Where's my crack pipe?

I thought I told you about hanging out with those Bush girls...tisk tisk:P
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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