
nudity in the U.S.

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I was reading a thread in SC an would of liked to have given my opinion/answer
but first I need to know why in the States nudity is such a big deal
IE: Why can't you (females/children) go topless on the beach?
Do you have naturalist beaches/areas?
How has this puritan attitude come about?

Gone fishing

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Anti-nudity laws are supposed to protect us from the pervert that lies within each of us. Seeing a breast might make us spank monkeys or something so sinful...:D
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Blame the religious retards of this country for all that.
To me, nudity is better when it's something you're not suppossed to see like accidental viewing. At a stripper bar or nude beach, it's no big deal. Of course , every nice looking nude is appreciated. But remember: If it ain't sexy... cover it up !

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omly you Zep:)There are some beaches here in S. FL where you can go stark nekid. I prefer a S. beach street something like, well a couple blocks from first street. Thats where all the hot chickie models hang out:ph34r:. Then theres that other one buy a popular inlet where all the people who play for the other team go, but only on the beaches or a club. my opinion is keep the kids home it's not for children no matter what people believe.

Man there are so many perverts around it's sickening>:(

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well i am off to gran Canaria, and i am affradi......"YES!!!":D:ph34r::)

After three days you'll hardly notice it. Were went to the bali boogie and after a couple of days no big deal:| really:| trust me:) :P

But I did look twice when one women was topless and walked by:o She must have wanted the beach to herself:(:(:(. Unbelieveable:S>:(B| A thong! don't even go there no way>:(

Can you bring us some pics of the ocean:)
BTW IMO The reason nudity is not popular in the US is the god squad, and since people aren't used to it here, there would be problems in the begining with the pervs coming out of church ooops:) I mean closet.:|


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I was reading a thread in SC an would of liked to have given my opinion/answer
but first I need to know why in the States nudity is such a big deal
IE: Why can't you (females/children) go topless on the beach?
Do you have naturalist beaches/areas?
How has this puritan attitude come about?

Well... it started with the puritans...:S We aren't the only country where nudity is a big deal... and we are less repressed than many, we actually fall somewhere around the middle in my opinion. Is it such a big deal? Don't all the sex and boobie threads prove it isn't ever going to change here for quite awhile? Stop making such a honking big deal about my breasts and maybe I will not worry about going topless or not... make a big deal though and they stay covered, it's too much of a pain in the ass... some jerk might get the idea I am coming on to him by just being natural me and make unwanted advances just because I happen to be topless.:S Happens all the time...[:/]
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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"...sexual privation induced hysteria, which was desirable because it could be transformed into war fever and leader worship...When you make love you're using up energy; and afterwards you feel happy and don't give a damn for anything. They can't bear you to feel like that...There was a direct, intimate connection between chastity and political orthodoxy. For how could the fear, the hatred, the lunatic credulity which the Party needed in its members be kept at the right pitch except by bottling down some powerful instinct and using it as a driving force? The sex impulse was dangerous to the Party, and the Party had turned it to account."

Orwell, 1984

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went to the bali boogie

The puritan heritage exists in other countries, as mentioned. But Bali is an interesting case.

When the Dutch first took over Bali, they were shocked by the topless women. Then a number of 'art photo' travel books were published that had alot of photos of the women wearing only sarong, and that caused a sensation.

The prudish Dutch forbid toplessness. So the women covered up. Today, you'll only see old hags going topless, not a sexy sight.....

And the descendents of those Dutch and Europeans are the ones going topless now, and the Balinese think it scandalous.....the wheel has turned!


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you would

I'm a guy..........it's NOT like I have a choice. :D

Heh-heh... she said would...

Basically, you have to appreciate strip poker because it is so equal to all players.

If they lose, you get to see them take off their clothes.
If you lose, you get to take off your clothes.

An obvious win-win situation. :)

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you would

I'm a guy..........it's NOT like I have a choice. :D

Heh-heh... she said would...

Basically, you have to appreciate strip poker because it is so equal to all players.

If they lose, you get to see them take off their clothes.
If you lose, you get to take off your clothes.

An obvious win-win situation. :)

unless one of the players forgets to tell you he knows and is engaged to one of your best friends... then it can get a little weird :o
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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you would

I'm a guy..........it's NOT like I have a choice. :D

Heh-heh... she said would...

Basically, you have to appreciate strip poker because it is so equal to all players.

If they lose, you get to see them take off their clothes.
If you lose, you get to take off your clothes.

An obvious win-win situation. :)

unless one of the players forgets to tell you he knows and is engaged to one of your best friends... then it can get a little weird :o

Hate when that happens!:S Or if the girl the guys having been playing strip poker with turns out to be a guy!:o
"It's not just a daydream if you choose to make it your life..."

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