
Would you take an extra course for extra $$ from financial aid?

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Next semester I have Organic Chem, Lab, Linear Algebra, and C++ programming. This is 10 credits which is not considered a full load since full-time = 12 credits. Now, if I actually want the AA degree, I need extra writing credit anyhow, but i'd kinda said screw it. But, it looks like if I take an extra course (technical writing it would be), i'll get 500$ extra after books and class is paid for.

So, what do ya think I should do? I have some very hard courses already without the writing class, and i'd love to have more time to spend on the others. But, otoh, i'm going to have to get used to a full course load of hard classes since i'll transfer into a chem engineering program next year full-time anyhow.

ugh, :S. An extra 500$ sounds nice, but so does free time. what to do, what to do? Thoughts?


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C++ is actually a pretty easy class. It was the one programming class I could sleep in all the time and not miss anything since the language for the most part is straight forward. Concepts like overloading might take a second to grasp but are not overly hard to get.

Technically writing is one of the few things from school that I actually use at my job. No matter what job you do, you have to do the paperwork with it too. Might as well learn how to do it right ;)
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Heck yeah.

My son just got a grant to cover his last semester, and I get half that money cause I paid for half his tuition. He gets a grant for the spring semester too. Sure helps me when he receives those, since I promised him I'd pay for half his tuition and books.
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C++ is actually a pretty easy class. It was the one programming class I could sleep in all the time and not miss anything since the language for the most part is straight forward. Concepts like overloading might take a second to grasp but are not overly hard to get.

Technically writing is one of the few things from school that I actually use at my job. No matter what job you do, you have to do the paperwork with it too. Might as well learn how to do it right ;)

Is it easy, or is it easy for a computer genius? I will have Rory's help, but i've not done any programming outside of Cobol.

You know, someone else said the same thing about Tech Writing to me. I think that you just helped me decide to take the class since you say it is important and C++ won't kill me:D


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I agree with what Phree said about C++, plus you will want that AA degree on your resume. Tech Writing is always a great skill...plus Rory would be great to hit up for some help.

I'm taking a wild guess that you are going into IT?
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Well, you would have to do the same deal as my son. He still lives at home, which doesn't bother me, since I travel and he's here to take care of all the pets.

He has to keep a B average, and I can check on that since I work at the college. He also has to do his jobs around the house, and he works full time on weekend over nights. I'm pretty darn proud of him:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I'm taking a wild guess that you are going into IT?

Nope. Chemical Engineering.


The Tech Writing should really help in that area - but why the C++?

Plus as Brian pointed out, it would defer any student loans you currently have by moving into the full time column.
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Well, you would have to do the same deal as my son. He still lives at home, which doesn't bother me, since I travel and he's here to take care of all the pets.

He has to keep a B average, and I can check on that since I work at the college. He also has to do his jobs around the house, and he works full time on weekend over nights. I'm pretty darn proud of him:)

I don't live with my mom, but I do keep my place pretty clean:D. I have a 3.7 gpa. I work full time nights m-f. Do I qualify? Pretty pleeeeze:D

Sounds like you've got a good son there, Mar. I'd be proud, too!


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I'm taking a wild guess that you are going into IT?

Nope. Chemical Engineering.


The Tech Writing should really help in that area - but why the C++?

Plus as Brian pointed out, it would defer any student loans you currently have by moving into the full time column.

I dunno, but a couple of colleges i'd like to get into require it for my major prior to admission.

Hmm. I have a couple of loans, but it was my understanding that I don't pay until i've stopped school completely for 6 months. I better look that shit up. Thanks for the info.


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C++ for the logic. Lots of schools require it not for the language (although it helps to be able to write your own programs to solve issues) but for the back ground in logic and analysing an issue and properly solving it.
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C++ for the logic. Lots of schools require it not for the language (although it helps to be able to write your own programs to solve issues) but for the back ground in logic and analysing an issue and properly solving it.

If they want logic, they should require a formal class in symbolic logic. Granted, it was one of the most difficult classes I have ever taken, but thoroughly helped me the rest of my undergrad time.

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C++ for the logic. Lots of schools require it not for the language (although it helps to be able to write your own programs to solve issues) but for the back ground in logic and analysing an issue and properly solving it.

If they want logic, they should require a formal class in symbolic logic. Granted, it was one of the most difficult classes I have ever taken, but thoroughly helped me the rest of my undergrad time.

UC wants a course in mathematical concepts and quantatative reasoning. But, my school only offers a qualitative logic course, so I can't get that. But, additionally, they also want a programming class. Damn picky schools!


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Hmm. I have a couple of loans, but it was my understanding that I don't pay until i've stopped school completely for 6 months. I better look that shit up. Thanks for the info.


My current school is getting ready to get Title IV funding and that last school I worked at did have it. Anything connected to the FAFSA will have payments kick in six months after you drop below full time status.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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Hmm. I have a couple of loans, but it was my understanding that I don't pay until i've stopped school completely for 6 months. I better look that shit up. Thanks for the info.


My current school is getting ready to get Title IV funding and that last school I worked at did have it. Anything connected to the FAFSA will have payments kick in six months after you drop below full time status.

That's so weird. I was part time when I was granted the loans. hmm.


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Hmm. I have a couple of loans, but it was my understanding that I don't pay until i've stopped school completely for 6 months. I better look that shit up. Thanks for the info.


My current school is getting ready to get Title IV funding and that last school I worked at did have it. Anything connected to the FAFSA will have payments kick in six months after you drop below full time status.

That's so weird. I was part time when I was granted the loans. hmm.


Hmmm...I will have to double check - none of our students are allowed to go PT so I am not as informed in that area. There could be another provision on that relating to deferment.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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Hmmm...I will have to double check - none of our students are allowed to go PT so I am not as informed in that area. There could be another provision on that relating to dererment.

Community college, dunno if that has anything to do with it. They are also subsidized. I wish I could get the same deal next year, but unfortunately, at 24 they consider you no longer a dependent, which means they will use my salary to determine aid, which means I won't get any:( I better make this $$ last!


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Actually you should get a lot more income unless you make lots more then your parents. I got screwed that way. My mom was a stay at home mom till she got divorced in my senior year of high school. Her income on my loans was showing as a few K and since I was only working high school jobs I was only showing a few K too. I was given lots of grants. Later I got a smoking job (my current one) and as long as I was a dependent of her making about 15k a year I was fine. My last semester of college I needed the tax benifits of no longer being a dependent and I lost almost all funding.

If my parents were together I would have been screwed, but I still would have got more filling seperate then as their dependent.
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Yeah, I make more than my parents (retirees) so I think i'll be cut off from funding next year.

DJL, I really wouldn't mind never taking another humanities course again. Truly. Music and Art finals tomorrow. I enjoyed some of the music, but didn't like art so much. Anyhow, i've i'm going to take an extra course, I need it to satisfy the 6000 add'l words writing credit, and Tech Writing is the only class that'll do it (which is why I posted it as my only option if I took another course.) But, aside from that, this seems useful, so I am not upset about taking it... plus, I type fast. :)


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