
Would you take an extra course for extra $$ from financial aid?

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I was faced with a similar problem at the beginning of this semester. I picked up a technical writing class so I would be full time. I'm glad it qualified me for the extra cash, but the class itself is a disorganized joke. It is bringing down my GPA, and in spite of taking up a lot of time, it serves no constructive purpose. (I am in a FL CC as well)

If you need the cash, take the class. If it sucks you can drop it later without endangering your financial aid. If you don't need the money, check out www.ratemyprofessors.com and see what other students have to say about their classes. Bear in mind, not all professors will be listed.
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Hey Angela,

Do you have to take C++ or can it be any programming laungauge?

If its the later - you may want to skip on C++ unless you've taken a programming concepts class prior - as you may find it confusing. My first class was VB 6 (I think most only offer VB.NET now, which is considerably different), and either that or VB.NET would be the best to start with IMO.

Sounds like you'll have your hands full with the others too.

Good luck,

Arianna Frances

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Nah.. sha already knows Cobol.

My favorite pare of using cobol was I could use FILLER and it was perfectly acceptible :D :D

0070 01 DAY-NAME-DATA.
00080 05 FILLER PIC X(9) VALUE "Monday".
00090 05 FILLER PIC X(9) VALUE "Tuesday".
00100 05 FILLER PIC X(9) VALUE "Wednesday".
00110 05 FILLER PIC X(9) VALUE "Thursday".
00120 05 FILLER PIC X(9) VALUE "Friday".
00130 05 FILLER PIC X(9) VALUE "Saturday".
00110 05 FILLER PIC X(9) VALUE "Sunday".

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I took an extra course this semester just so the VA would give me more money.

We went to summer school 4 yr's to get VA benifits year round. The first two yr's were in CC needed to play catch up with dummy math etc. at the big school got to take a biking class :).

Working and going to school at the same time? No way! Student loans? gotta pay that stuff back:( Grants ;););) You never know unless you ask;);)


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Tech Writing is the only class that'll do it

This will be an excellent course for your major in engineering. Engineers that can communicate in presentations and in writing WELL - are ten times more likely to move up in an organization than those who can just engineer.
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I'm taking a wild guess that you are going into IT?

Nope. Chemical Engineering.


The Tech Writing should really help in that area - but why the C++?

Plus as Brian pointed out, it would defer any student loans you currently have by moving into the full time column.

All our engineering majors require C++. Why do you think an engineer wouldn't need to know how to program?

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Next semester I have Organic Chem, Lab, Linear Algebra, and C++ programming. This is 10 credits which is not considered a full load since full-time = 12 credits. Now, if I actually want the AA degree, I need extra writing credit anyhow, but i'd kinda said screw it. But, it looks like if I take an extra course (technical writing it would be), i'll get 500$ extra after books and class is paid for.

So, what do ya think I should do? I have some very hard courses already without the writing class, and i'd love to have more time to spend on the others. But, otoh, i'm going to have to get used to a full course load of hard classes since i'll transfer into a chem engineering program next year full-time anyhow.

ugh, :S. An extra 500$ sounds nice, but so does free time. what to do, what to do? Thoughts?


ChemE is a very demanding major.

Might as well get used to the work load now.

Our students typically take 17 - 18 CH each semester if they want to finish in 4 years.

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