
Im giving it up...

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As of January 1 2005 I am going to give up skydiving, and put my gear up for sale.

Its been a fun ride while its lasted, but in order to save what's left of my marriage i'm going to walk away from the sport. I wish it would not have come to this, but I guess this is the way things are going to have to be.

I estimate that by the end of the month I'll have around 80 jumps, Hopefully no cutaways and no major injuries. I guess its not that bad for a year and a half in the sport.


There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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You've got to do what you've got to do, BUT I promise you you'll regret it later. Even worst is if you sell your gear its gonna cost even more to get back into the sport later.

I think he would regret it more if his marriage ends and he realizes he could have done something to save it. Do what ya gotta do to be happy.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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You've got to do what you've got to do, BUT I promise you you'll regret it later. Even worst is if you sell your gear its gonna cost even more to get back into the sport later.

I disagree. The sport will always be there when you are ready for it and willing to welcome you back.

The woman he loves will not be.

I'm in that situation now. I made my choice already. I know his position, and I applaud him for it.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I disagree. The sport will always be there when you are ready for it and willing to welcome you back.

We're saying the same thing, I just didn't say it as well.

By regret it, I was trying to say that you'll most likely come back to the sport at some point.;)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I guess no compromise could be reached.Don't rush to sell your gear,you never know what may occur in the future.I have a friend who quit skydiving 6 years ago and has put on 100lbs. His wife wishes that he would take up the sport again because at least he stayed in shape.How do you look with an extra 100lbs? Good Luck, Dave -- Aggie class of 79

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I disagree. The sport will always be there when you are ready for it and willing to welcome you back.

We're saying the same thing, I just didn't say it as well.

By regret it, I was trying to say that you'll most likely come back to the sport at some point.;)

I KNOW I'll come back to the sport at some point. But saying he'll regret it is off the mark. I miss my lifestyle of hanging with the guys and skydiving and playing gigs, and that is not available to me thanks to my son. Do I regret losing those things? Not for a second. Conor took all the regret away.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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My brother gave up his skyboard and gear (sold to me) as soon as the knot was tied. I was happy, but I didn't realize what was going to happen next.

Marriage failed anyway, he had to divorce her, he gained some poundage, and now wants to get back in and has to shed the weight. In hindsight, he probably should have stayed in the sport since it was a good stress reliever and kept his activity level high.

Besides, she married him 'cuz he was a skydiver to begin with. I guess she wanted to "change him." She sure did--he's not 150lbs anymore. >:(

Stupid whuffos. :P

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Don't want to get too personal, but how is giving up skydiving going to save your marriage? My husband and I had some issues with me skydiving, not the fact that I skydive, but the amount of money I was spending. We worked through it and now he is more supportive then ever. Is this something you could work out without having to give up skydiving?

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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I know someone who was faced with giving up the sport to salvage the marriage, but instead of giving it up altogether, they agreed to compromise. He only jumps 2 days each month (every other Saturday). The other weekend days are quality time with his son. Even though the compromise was satisfactory to both of them and things improved somewhat, the marriage still didn't last. He said it was because there were more issues than the skydiving and once skydiving was out of the picture (to blame) then the other issues became apparent and they couldn't resolve them. Even though the marriage didn't work out, he continued to jump 2 days/month and feels that it's helped him create balance in his life and quality time with his son.

Just something to think about.

Good luck with your situation. You'll do the right thing.


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Hey Kai, sorry to hear of your decision. Sorry more that you were forced to make one. I have another friend going thru the identical thing. She is giving up on the marriage instead. I can't tell you how badly I feel for both of you......

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17 years ago I did the same thing. A year ago I came back after the divorce. I hope that things work out with your family but also know that if you do end up coming back someday, the sport and the people are still here.

Though the faces and the gear changed a lot, I was still welcome, and you will be too!
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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