
how long do you boil an egg?

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how long does it take to biol an egg.my wife is at work and i aint never boiled one of em.with this new diet im on.(at 6ft2in 140 lb)because of the heart thing that i had done im really limited as to what i can eat.i know that eggs have cholesterol but i havent had eggs in a couple of weeks so i figure one wont hurt me.

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Put em in the h2o BEFORE you boil it. SLOW Rolling boil for 20 min just barley boiling. 20 min pass... dump out hot water douse with cool water..Boiling them SLOWLY for 20 min gets you more tender eggs without oxydizing the yolk making it bitter. Never thought i would be using that info on here...:ph34r:

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Start with COLD water. If you put the egg into boiling water it will crack

So... cold water, put the egg in, turn heat to high. Boil for 7 minutes (start the timer when the water starts boiling, not when you turn the heat on). Take off the stove, drain hot water and cool the egg as quickly as possible to stop the cooking process. I run mine under cold water for a couple minutes.

7 minutes for a hard boiled egg (whites & yoke solid)
3 minutes for a soft boiled egg (whites solid, yoke semi solid)

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i like to make soft boiled eggs. I take the eggs out of the fridge & put them in a small bowl of hot tap water. Then I boil some water in a pot. When it reaches a boil, I put in the eggs for 3 minutes, 15 seconds. Pull 'em out & run cold water on them to stop the cooking. Then I crack the eggs (using abutter knife) over a bowl of two slices of whole wheat bread that have been torn into crumbs..

Add chives and dill and salt & pepper. YUM!:)
on the side, a big glass of OJ & some good strong English tea.B|
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For a really nice jump start to the air quality on a boogie morning after lots of beer, eat an egg with some horseradish sauce the night before. Quite nice, I can tell you.

I just put them in boiling water, gently using a ladel, they don't break. Then 10 minutes for hard, 6 for soft.
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