
License Plates?

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OK, I've been wanting to get one for a while now, but this thread did it. I just got done ordering some...they're gonna be: LIVE2AV8 .....I know its not exactly skydiving-related- but since my world pretty much revolves around flying...I figured it would be fitting. Do I owe beer for my first set of vanity plates? :)Life's a bitch- be its pimp....B|

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We did this thread about a year ago.

I looked in the archives before staring this thread, just to keep from duplicating...but didn't find anything remotely connected. If you have the link, can you post it here. I'd love to see what people had a year ago as well.
Glad the newbies, like me, could join in the 'membership' this time around,though. :)ltdiver

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Not skydiving related, but here goes. I had a morotcycle in Florida. The day after I bought it (before it was registered) some moron decided I'd look great as a hood ornament and rear ended me at a stoplight. So I thought GINXED would be a good plate (it was a GSX-R, and JINXED was taken). Screw that idea- it got stolen three weeks after I put the plate on.

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well i just ordered my set of plates for my truck...a nice b-day present for myself...and the 1st three got kicked back so im trying again. Here are the 1st three

my next three that are still in vanity plate limbo land as of yet...
RED RAM (go figure huh!)

So just waiting to see....pics are nice of your plates! Snowing and cold here in PA!

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They wouldn't let me have AIRGASM for it's sexual reference, even when there is one on the DZ wall that had just expired. I quess it depends on who gets your file and what kinda mood they're in.[:/]

Huh?!? What cloud?!? Oh that!!! That's just Industrial Haze
Alex M.

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coodo's to redramdriver for successfully doing a search and reviving my 2 year old thread! :)
I have a new car now. Had to replace my '98 Mustang GT with a 2003 Eclipse GTS last year. Kept the license plate, though. LTDIVER. B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I have EV(heart symbol)2FLY on my Vette. Just kind of fit with skydiving and the way I like to drive :ph34r:.

Have to watch us quiet ones, huh! :)


LOL. You're right Lori. People don't expect people who are quiet to do things like skydive and drive fast cars...people are always saying to me "but you're so quiet, I'd have never imagined you racing around in a Vette and jumping out of planes" Yep, just goes to show, it's the quiet ones you've gotta watch out for :ph34r:.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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LewMonst treid to get OUTHIGH I think, put they turned her down. Something about drug references....

I must have missed this thread. I tried to get "GETHIGH" but was rejected, twice. I even talked to the license bureau and explained my bumper stickers and the obvious skydiving references. The nice woman went back to the board to plea my case, but they wouldn't bite. I wasn't suprised. I settled for "YW8 JUMP" which, sadly, still stumps some people.


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