
at work and hate it

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Got to work today and had a email asking that we help the groups that are starting to do my work (oh ya, getting laid -off on Dec 17th...Downsizing with AT&T), stating they are having a tough time of it...These people are are tecs or contractors that have been doing this for years and still do not know their jobs....Is there an justice in this world....
just ranting thanks>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(


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That sucks, I feel for you. One of my best friend's wife is getting laid off from AT&T after being there for 15 years. I think he said the 17th is her last day as well. Even worse he works for American Airlines & needless to say isn't feeling too secure with his job these days either. Hang in there. You'll move on to something better!!


Here's to friends!

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Blue Flu was a term I first heard when the police in NYC (blue uniforms) wanted to go on strike which wasn't allowed.

Haven't you heard this is the flu season you want to go to work and infect the whole office just befor Xmas:S

Stay home if your sick:|


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