
12/6 BIRTHDAYS~ Alli and Brian M.

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Happy Birthday Alli (Pink Mafia hot mama)!

Happy Birthday Brian M (bad ass swooper dude)!

Both super good friends and I wanted to wish them both super special days B|. See you again soon....

How many spankings will you both be getting today :P?

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Alli, I'm so glad I got to see you! I hope you're having a *happy* b-day too (I know you are... ;)). See ya soon!!

yes sammy, she's having a happy-one as well! i spoke with the little birthday girl this morning ~ she is starry-eyed and having a BLISSFUL morning with a venezuelan sunrise B|*

Happy Birthday Alli, I LOVE You lots and lots with a snowman on top!

Happy Birthday Brian!!!! gosh, jj & i miss you so freaking much! we hope to see you and sammy-babe soon! Yaaay!!!

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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Thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes!!! I am still here in Sebastian having a great time....really don't want to leave. :( Thanks to everyone that attended my and Brian's birthday party on Saturday night. I think at one point there were over fifty people at the house! :o It was a lot of fun cleaning up the next day and turning all the pictures right side up again...:S Great times, great friends....love you all so much and can't wait to see you again!

Have a good one, Brian....I know that I am!!! :):o:P:)
P.M.S. #3

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To sweet Alli ~

Oh Alli, it makes me so happy to read your post. You sound sooo happy, my lovely friend. I'm wishing you much love and continued happiness always. You deserve it because you are such a beautiful person, inside, outside and every way in between! :)
Love ya so much, Alli-babe. B| xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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Happy Birthday Alli! I hope you had a great day!

Brian, I don't know you either, but Happy Birthday too!

swooo #3 MB #3587 P.M.S. #66
"so let go, jump in...what're you waiting for? it's all right 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown"

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