
sick & tired : (

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I'm sick. :( I think I've blown the entire universe out my nose in last 24 hrs. :o
It's disgusting. [:/]

How are you? Anyone else sick too & home from work?
I feel like sh*t. B|
Anyone know what I can do to keep my nose from
falling off my face before this is over?
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Hope you feel better. Dose up on vitamin C, echinacea, and garlic. Drink lot's of water. And scream 'TheAnvil is a JACKASS' when you blow your nose.

You'll feel much better.

get well soon!
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I wish I was home from work!!

Sorry you are feeling bad though..One thing that really seems to help me when I start coming down w/ a cold is echanacia (spl??). You can get it at vitamin stores and I even got some at walmart (w/ gold seal). Really does wonders knocking those toxins out of your body!

Hope you feel better!!!! :)

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I've been sick the past 5 days too. Took Friday off and stayed home all weekend. Today I had to come in because at my job, you don't want to get too far behind, and I still feel like shit. My head cold has basically gone into my chest, and that's not exactly great news. [:/] I need to hack the green shit out soon...

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Sick? - Check
Feeling Like Shit? - Check
Home from work? - Negatory - Must have forgot to jot that down on my schedule
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I have been coming down with soemthing as well.. I cant blow anything out of my nose, but I keep hacking up wonderfly colored chunks from the depths of my lungs:o[:/]

this space for rent.

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I'm home, but cause i took the day off, not cause i'm sick. For some reason when i start to get sick, i eat lotsa peanuts and drink orange juice. Hope you feel better.


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Oy...I'm not sick, but everyone else in my house is so I figure it is just a matter of time for me.

I used to take echinacea and would often end up feeling more sick. Found out from a doc that it's not uncommon for people w/ seasonal/hay feaver allergies to have a bad reaction because it's essentially like ingesting ragweed. Might help w/ the cold but can cause some allergy like symptoms!

Or something like that.

Feel better! For some reason when I'm sick I always crave swiss cheese and crackers, and sometimes with cut up summer sausage on it. Mmmm...
Killing threads since 2004.

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I have been coming down with soemthing as well.. I cant blow anything out of my nose, but I keep hacking up wonderfly colored chunks from the depths of my lungs:o[:/]


GOOD! You don't want that shit staying in your lungs! B| I feel my lungs rattle when I take deep breaths, and I can feel a little mass at the back of my throat, but try as I might, I still can't cough anything out, yet anyway...

If the crud stays in your lungs long enough, you risk developing pneumonia or bronchitis, if I'm not mistaken. I'm probably going to recruit my wife to start slapping my back behind the lungs to see if we can't break that shit up some so it'll come out.

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I have a horrible head cold:(. I'm taking Sudafed, just so my head won't feel like it is going to explode. Must be this cold, rainy weather in Phoenix:S:(. I've got a new grandson I want to hold, so I went and bought some medical masks:):(. Damn cold, bad timing.

Oh, and lots of Vitamin C throughout the day!!!!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Thanks for the link, interesting!!

I just ate a wasabi ball, someone pm'd it would help clear my sinuses. >:( Nothing though, I think the sucrets I just had before it did something to the overall effect! :o
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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Well I was home form work today - And will be probably til the end of the year -
Not for sickness but this damn busted ankle -

But whenever I do get a cold/flu/whatever, I find whiskey helps fight it off. Two or three shots before you go to bed and throw and extra blanket on, and sweat it out. Works for me!

Hope you feel better soon!!

Easy Does It

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