
Any chess players?

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What is your opening game of choice? I have been trying to expand my repertoire of openings and it is getting frustrating learning them in depth. I usually start with a Ruy Lopez type game that strays from the main line pretty quickly.

That's my downfall. I get bored and try to force things.

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I usually move a pawn. Then a horsie...then another pawn...then a horsie again.

I continue the pattern for a good 45 seconds, then reset the board to get beaten like a red-headed stepchild again...


I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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Queen side usually gambits, i prefer a wide open positional game vs the close domino tension types offered by the Ruy Lopez... lately its been the Torre attack... but i havent been able to get it to work very well...
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I've got around 10,000 1 0 games on chess.net Usually play black and when faced with the Reversed Grob follow with the Lengfellner pawns out, then bishop. Oh yeah, my handle on there is....
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I love chess, if anyone is interested we can play online free in MSN games you will have to create a user ID and then enetr the rooms where you can access the profile of a player how many wins etc so you play your level, and to answer your question in spanish the move I like the most is "Pastor" when ever I have more time I'll give you the sequence.

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I'm not familiar with this opening. Nor, can I find it on most of the sites I visit. Please ping me also when you get the sequence?
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